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Apollo的的规划算法基于Frenet坐标系,因此道路中心线的平滑性控制着车辆是否左右频繁晃动,而高精地图的道路中心线往往不够规划。Apollo在/modules/planning/reference_line中包含了多种参考线平滑算法:DiscretePointsReferenceLineSmoother(离散点平滑法,包括FEM_POS_DEVIATION_SMOOTHING有限元位置差异和COS_THETA_SMOOTHING余弦),QpSplineReferenceLineSmoother(三次样条插值法),SpiralReferenceLineSmoother(螺旋曲线法)。本篇以单元测试discrete_points_reference_line_smoother_test.cc的测试TEST_F(DiscretePointsReferenceLineSmootherTest, smooth)为例来分析Apollo对参考线reference line进行离散点平滑(FEM_POS_DEVIATION_SMOOTHING)的原理。
1 首先在参考线上隔相同距离打点(),绿色的曲线就是算法将要得到的理想曲线。
2 然后列出代价函数:
3 构建P矩阵:
TEST_F(DiscretePointsReferenceLineSmootherTest, smooth) { ReferenceLine smoothed_reference_line; EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(153.87421245682503, reference_line_->Length()); std::vector<AnchorPoint> anchor_points; const double interval = 10.0; int num_of_anchors = std::max(2, static_cast<int>(reference_line_->Length() / interval + 0.5)); //对reference line按s方向取num_of_anchors个参考点 std::vector<double> anchor_s; common::util::uniform_slice(0.0, reference_line_->Length(), num_of_anchors - 1, &anchor_s); for (const double s : anchor_s) { anchor_points.emplace_back(); auto& last_anchor = anchor_points.back(); auto ref_point = reference_line_->GetReferencePoint(s); last_anchor.path_point = ref_point.ToPathPoint(s); last_anchor.lateral_bound = 0.25; last_anchor.longitudinal_bound = 2.0; } anchor_points.front().longitudinal_bound = 1e-6; anchor_points.front().lateral_bound = 1e-6; anchor_points.back().longitudinal_bound = 1e-6; anchor_points.back().lateral_bound = 1e-6; smoother_->SetAnchorPoints(anchor_points); //调用平滑方法计算平滑参考线 EXPECT_TRUE(smoother_->Smooth(*reference_line_, &smoothed_reference_line)); EXPECT_NEAR(153.0, smoothed_reference_line.Length(), 1.0); } |
bool DiscretePointsReferenceLineSmoother::Smooth( const ReferenceLine& raw_reference_line, ReferenceLine* const smoothed_reference_line) { std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> raw_point2d; std::vector<double> anchorpoints_lateralbound; for (const auto& anchor_point : anchor_points_) { raw_point2d.emplace_back(anchor_point.path_point.x(), anchor_point.path_point.y()); anchorpoints_lateralbound.emplace_back(anchor_point.lateral_bound); } // fix front and back points to avoid end states deviate from the center of // road anchorpoints_lateralbound.front() = 0.0; anchorpoints_lateralbound.back() = 0.0; //归一化参考点 NormalizePoints(&raw_point2d); bool status = false; //默认是FEM_POS_DEVIATION_SMOOTHING方法 const auto& smoothing_method = config_.discrete_points().smoothing_method(); std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> smoothed_point2d; switch (smoothing_method) { case DiscretePointsSmootherConfig::COS_THETA_SMOOTHING: status = CosThetaSmooth(raw_point2d, anchorpoints_lateralbound, &smoothed_point2d); break; case DiscretePointsSmootherConfig::FEM_POS_DEVIATION_SMOOTHING: status = FemPosSmooth(raw_point2d, anchorpoints_lateralbound, &smoothed_point2d); break; default: AERROR << "Smoother type not defined"; return false; } if (!status) { AERROR << "discrete_points reference line smoother fails"; return false; } //反归一化,获取原来的点 DeNormalizePoints(&smoothed_point2d); std::vector<ReferencePoint> ref_points; GenerateRefPointProfile(raw_reference_line, smoothed_point2d, &ref_points); ReferencePoint::RemoveDuplicates(&ref_points); if (ref_points.size() < 2) { AERROR << "Fail to generate smoothed reference line."; return false; } *smoothed_reference_line = ReferenceLine(ref_points); return true; } bool DiscretePointsReferenceLineSmoother::FemPosSmooth( const std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& raw_point2d, const std::vector<double>& bounds, std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>* ptr_smoothed_point2d) { const auto& fem_pos_config = config_.discrete_points().fem_pos_deviation_smoothing(); //构建FemPosDeviationSmoother FemPosDeviationSmoother smoother(fem_pos_config); // box contraints on pos are used in fem pos smoother, thus shrink the // bounds by 1.0 / sqrt(2.0) std::vector<double> box_bounds = bounds; const double box_ratio = 1.0 / std::sqrt(2.0); for (auto& bound : box_bounds) { bound *= box_ratio; } std::vector<double> opt_x; std::vector<double> opt_y; //调用smoother.Solve求解优化后的opt_x和opt_y bool status = smoother.Solve(raw_point2d, box_bounds, &opt_x, &opt_y); if (!status) { AERROR << "Fem Pos reference line smoothing failed"; return false; } if (opt_x.size() < 2 || opt_y.size() < 2) { AERROR << "Return by fem pos smoother is wrong. Size smaller than 2 "; return false; } CHECK_EQ(opt_x.size(), opt_y.size()) << "x and y result size not equal"; size_t point_size = opt_x.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < point_size; ++i) { ptr_smoothed_point2d->emplace_back(opt_x[i], opt_y[i]); } return true; } bool FemPosDeviationSmoother::Solve( const std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& raw_point2d, const std::vector<double>& bounds, std::vector<double>* opt_x, std::vector<double>* opt_y) { if (config_.apply_curvature_constraint()) { if (config_.use_sqp()) { return SqpWithOsqp(raw_point2d, bounds, opt_x, opt_y); } else { return NlpWithIpopt(raw_point2d, bounds, opt_x, opt_y); } } else { //本次测试将调用二次规划框架osqp求解 return QpWithOsqp(raw_point2d, bounds, opt_x, opt_y); } return true; } bool FemPosDeviationSmoother::QpWithOsqp( const std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& raw_point2d, const std::vector<double>& bounds, std::vector<double>* opt_x, std::vector<double>* opt_y) { if (opt_x == nullptr || opt_y == nullptr) { AERROR << "opt_x or opt_y is nullptr"; return false; } //构造FemPosDeviationOsqpInterface实例 FemPosDeviationOsqpInterface solver; solver.set_weight_fem_pos_deviation(config_.weight_fem_pos_deviation()); solver.set_weight_path_length(config_.weight_path_length()); solver.set_weight_ref_deviation(config_.weight_ref_deviation()); solver.set_max_iter(config_.max_iter()); solver.set_time_limit(config_.time_limit()); solver.set_verbose(config_.verbose()); solver.set_scaled_termination(config_.scaled_termination()); solver.set_warm_start(config_.warm_start()); solver.set_ref_points(raw_point2d); solver.set_bounds_around_refs(bounds); if (!solver.Solve()) { return false; } *opt_x = solver.opt_x(); *opt_y = solver.opt_y(); return true; } |
bool FemPosDeviationOsqpInterface::Solve() { // Sanity Check ...... // Calculate optimization states definitions //这儿是15个点,其中每个点有x,y方向,所以30个变量,30个约束。 num_of_points_ = static_cast<int>(ref_points_.size()); num_of_variables_ = num_of_points_ * 2; num_of_constraints_ = num_of_variables_; // Calculate kernel //计算二次规划P矩阵,二次项参数 std::vector<c_float> P_data; std::vector<c_int> P_indices; std::vector<c_int> P_indptr; CalculateKernel(&P_data, &P_indices, &P_indptr); // Calculate affine constraints //计算二次规划A矩阵,约束矩阵 std::vector<c_float> A_data; std::vector<c_int> A_indices; std::vector<c_int> A_indptr; std::vector<c_float> lower_bounds; std::vector<c_float> upper_bounds; CalculateAffineConstraint(&A_data, &A_indices, &A_indptr, &lower_bounds, &upper_bounds); // Calculate offset //计算偏移向量q,一次项参数 std::vector<c_float> q; CalculateOffset(&q); // Set primal warm start std::vector<c_float> primal_warm_start; SetPrimalWarmStart(&primal_warm_start); OSQPData* data = reinterpret_cast<OSQPData*>(c_malloc(sizeof(OSQPData))); OSQPSettings* settings = reinterpret_cast<OSQPSettings*>(c_malloc(sizeof(OSQPSettings))); // Define Solver settings osqp_set_default_settings(settings); settings->max_iter = max_iter_; settings->time_limit = time_limit_; settings->verbose = verbose_; settings->scaled_termination = scaled_termination_; settings->warm_start = warm_start_; OSQPWorkspace* work = nullptr; //调用开源框架优化 bool res = OptimizeWithOsqp(num_of_variables_, lower_bounds.size(), &P_data, &P_indices, &P_indptr, &A_data, &A_indices, &A_indptr, &lower_bounds, &upper_bounds, &q, &primal_warm_start, data, &work, settings); if (res == false || work == nullptr || work->solution == nullptr) { AERROR << "Failed to find solution."; // Cleanup osqp_cleanup(work); c_free(data->A); c_free(data->P); c_free(data); c_free(settings); return false; } // Extract primal results x_.resize(num_of_points_); y_.resize(num_of_points_); for (int i = 0; i < num_of_points_; ++i) { int index = i * 2; x_.at(i) = work->solution->x[index]; y_.at(i) = work->solution->x[index + 1]; } // Cleanup ...... return true; } |
void FemPosDeviationOsqpInterface::CalculateKernel( std::vector<c_float>* P_data, std::vector<c_int>* P_indices, std::vector<c_int>* P_indptr) { CHECK_GT(num_of_variables_, 4); // Three quadratic penalties are involved: // 1. Penalty x on distance between middle point and point by finite element // estimate; // 2. Penalty y on path length; // 3. Penalty z on difference between points and reference points // General formulation of P matrix is as below(with 6 points as an example): // I is a two by two identity matrix, X, Y, Z represents x * I, y * I, z * I // 0 is a two by two zero matrix // |X+Y+Z, -2X-Y, X, 0, 0, 0 | // |0, 5X+2Y+Z, -4X-Y, X, 0, 0 | // |0, 0, 6X+2Y+Z, -4X-Y, X, 0 | // |0, 0, 0, 6X+2Y+Z, -4X-Y, X | // |0, 0, 0, 0, 5X+2Y+Z, -2X-Y| // |0, 0, 0, 0, 0, X+Y+Z| // Only upper triangle needs to be filled std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<c_int, c_float>>> columns; columns.resize(num_of_variables_); int col_num = 0; for (int col = 0; col < 2; ++col) { columns[col].emplace_back(col, weight_fem_pos_deviation_ + weight_path_length_ + weight_ref_deviation_); ++col_num; } for (int col = 2; col < 4; ++col) { columns[col].emplace_back( col - 2, -2.0 * weight_fem_pos_deviation_ - weight_path_length_); columns[col].emplace_back(col, 5.0 * weight_fem_pos_deviation_ + 2.0 * weight_path_length_ + weight_ref_deviation_); ++col_num; } int second_point_from_last_index = num_of_points_ - 2; for (int point_index = 2; point_index < second_point_from_last_index; ++point_index) { int col_index = point_index * 2; for (int col = 0; col < 2; ++col) { col_index += col; columns[col_index].emplace_back(col_index - 4, weight_fem_pos_deviation_); columns[col_index].emplace_back( col_index - 2, -4.0 * weight_fem_pos_deviation_ - weight_path_length_); columns[col_index].emplace_back( col_index, 6.0 * weight_fem_pos_deviation_ + 2.0 * weight_path_length_ + weight_ref_deviation_); ++col_num; } } int second_point_col_from_last_col = num_of_variables_ - 4; int last_point_col_from_last_col = num_of_variables_ - 2; for (int col = second_point_col_from_last_col; col < last_point_col_from_last_col; ++col) { columns[col].emplace_back(col - 4, weight_fem_pos_deviation_); columns[col].emplace_back( col - 2, -4.0 * weight_fem_pos_deviation_ - weight_path_length_); columns[col].emplace_back(col, 5.0 * weight_fem_pos_deviation_ + 2.0 * weight_path_length_ + weight_ref_deviation_); ++col_num; } for (int col = last_point_col_from_last_col; col < num_of_variables_; ++col) { columns[col].emplace_back(col - 4, weight_fem_pos_deviation_); columns[col].emplace_back( col - 2, -2.0 * weight_fem_pos_deviation_ - weight_path_length_); columns[col].emplace_back(col, weight_fem_pos_deviation_ + weight_path_length_ + weight_ref_deviation_); ++col_num; } CHECK_EQ(col_num, num_of_variables_); int ind_p = 0; for (int i = 0; i < col_num; ++i) { P_indptr->push_back(ind_p); for (const auto& row_data_pair : columns[i]) { // Rescale by 2.0 as the quadratic term in osqp default qp problem setup // is set as (1/2) * x' * P * x P_data->push_back(row_data_pair.second * 2.0); P_indices->push_back(row_data_pair.first); ++ind_p; } } P_indptr->push_back(ind_p); } |
void FemPosDeviationOsqpInterface::CalculateOffset(std::vector<c_float>* q) { for (int i = 0; i < num_of_points_; ++i) { const auto& ref_point_xy = ref_points_[i]; q->push_back(-2.0 * weight_ref_deviation_ * ref_point_xy.first); q->push_back(-2.0 * weight_ref_deviation_ * ref_point_xy.second); } } |
void FemPosDeviationOsqpInterface::CalculateAffineConstraint( std::vector<c_float>* A_data, std::vector<c_int>* A_indices, std::vector<c_int>* A_indptr, std::vector<c_float>* lower_bounds, std::vector<c_float>* upper_bounds) { int ind_A = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_of_variables_; ++i) { A_data->push_back(1.0); A_indices->push_back(i); A_indptr->push_back(ind_A); ++ind_A; } A_indptr->push_back(ind_A); for (int i = 0; i < num_of_points_; ++i) { const auto& ref_point_xy = ref_points_[i]; upper_bounds->push_back(ref_point_xy.first + bounds_around_refs_[i]); upper_bounds->push_back(ref_point_xy.second + bounds_around_refs_[i]); lower_bounds->push_back(ref_point_xy.first - bounds_around_refs_[i]); lower_bounds->push_back(ref_point_xy.second - bounds_around_refs_[i]); } } bool FemPosDeviationOsqpInterface::OptimizeWithOsqp( const size_t kernel_dim, const size_t num_affine_constraint, std::vector<c_float>* P_data, std::vector<c_int>* P_indices, std::vector<c_int>* P_indptr, std::vector<c_float>* A_data, std::vector<c_int>* A_indices, std::vector<c_int>* A_indptr, std::vector<c_float>* lower_bounds, std::vector<c_float>* upper_bounds, std::vector<c_float>* q, std::vector<c_float>* primal_warm_start, OSQPData* data, OSQPWorkspace** work, OSQPSettings* settings) { CHECK_EQ(lower_bounds->size(), upper_bounds->size()); data->n = kernel_dim; data->m = num_affine_constraint; data->P = csc_matrix(data->n, data->n, P_data->size(), P_data->data(), P_indices->data(), P_indptr->data()); data->q = q->data(); data->A = csc_matrix(data->m, data->n, A_data->size(), A_data->data(), A_indices->data(), A_indptr->data()); data->l = lower_bounds->data(); data->u = upper_bounds->data(); *work = osqp_setup(data, settings); // osqp_setup(work, data, settings); osqp_warm_start_x(*work, primal_warm_start->data()); // Solve Problem osqp_solve(*work); auto status = (*work)->info->status_val; if (status < 0) { AERROR << "failed optimization status:\t" << (*work)->info->status; return false; } if (status != 1 && status != 2) { AERROR << "failed optimization status:\t" << (*work)->info->status; return false; } return true; } |
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