
#include <iostream>
#include <g2o/core/g2o_core_api.h>
#include <g2o/core/base_vertex.h>
#include <g2o/core/base_unary_edge.h>
#include <g2o/core/block_solver.h>
#include <g2o/core/optimization_algorithm_levenberg.h>
#include <g2o/core/optimization_algorithm_gauss_newton.h>
#include <g2o/core/optimization_algorithm_dogleg.h>
#include <g2o/solvers/dense/linear_solver_dense.h>
#include <g2o/stuff/sampler.h>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <cmath>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
// 曲线模型的顶点,模板参数:优化变量维度和数据类型
class CurveFittingVertex : public g2o::BaseVertex<3, Eigen::Vector3d> {
// 重置
virtual void setToOriginImpl() override {
_estimate << 0, 0, 0;
// 更新,每一轮迭代后更新参数的值Δx。
virtual void oplusImpl(const double *update) override {
_estimate += Eigen::Vector3d(update);
// 存盘和读盘:留空
virtual bool read(istream &in) {}
virtual bool write(ostream &out) const {}
// 误差模型 模板参数:观测值维度,类型,连接顶点类型
class CurveFittingEdge : public g2o::BaseUnaryEdge<1, double, CurveFittingVertex> {
CurveFittingEdge(double x) : BaseUnaryEdge(), _x(x) {}
// 计算曲线模型误差,测量值减去估计值得到误差。
virtual void computeError() override {
const CurveFittingVertex *v = static_cast<const CurveFittingVertex *> (_vertices[0]);
const Eigen::Vector3d abc = v->estimate();
_error(0, 0) = _measurement - std::exp(abc(0, 0) * _x * _x + abc(1, 0) * _x + abc(2, 0));
// 计算雅可比矩阵,和上一篇高斯牛顿法里面的求解方式是一样的。
virtual void linearizeOplus() override {
const CurveFittingVertex *v = static_cast<const CurveFittingVertex *> (_vertices[0]);
const Eigen::Vector3d abc = v->estimate();
double y = exp(abc[0] * _x * _x + abc[1] * _x + abc[2]);
_jacobianOplusXi[0] = -_x * _x * y;
_jacobianOplusXi[1] = -_x * y;
_jacobianOplusXi[2] = -y;
virtual bool read(istream &in) {}
virtual bool write(ostream &out) const {}
double _x; // x 值, y 值为 _measurement
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
double ar = 1.0, br = 2.0, cr = 1.0; // 真实参数值
double ae = 2.0, be = -1.0, ce = 5.0; // 估计参数值
int N = 100; // 数据点
double w_sigma = 1.0; // 噪声Sigma值
double inv_sigma = 1.0 / w_sigma;
vector<double> x_data, y_data; // 数据
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
double x = i / 100.0;
y_data.push_back(exp(ar * x * x + br * x + cr) + g2o::Sampler::gaussRand(0, 0.02));//加上一个高斯误差,来表示测量是不准确的。
// 构建图优化,先设定g2o
typedef g2o::BlockSolver<g2o::BlockSolverTraits<3, 1>> BlockSolverType; // 每个误差项优化变量维度为3,误差值维度为1
typedef g2o::LinearSolverDense<BlockSolverType::PoseMatrixType> LinearSolverType; // 线性求解器类型
// 梯度下降方法,可以从GN, LM, DogLeg 中选
auto solver = new g2o::OptimizationAlgorithmGaussNewton(
g2o::SparseOptimizer optimizer; // 图模型
optimizer.setAlgorithm(solver); // 设置求解器
optimizer.setVerbose(true); // 打开调试输出
// 往图中增加顶点:待优化的参数。
CurveFittingVertex *v = new CurveFittingVertex();
v->setEstimate(Eigen::Vector3d(ae, be, ce));
// 往图中增加边:每个误差函数
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
CurveFittingEdge *edge = new CurveFittingEdge(x_data[i]);
edge->setVertex(0, v); // 设置连接的顶点
edge->setMeasurement(y_data[i]); // 观测数值
// 信息矩阵:协方差矩阵之逆,乘上一阶导数值用来决定当前梯度对全局梯度的贡献度。信息越清晰表明当前梯度越重要。
// 即人为的根据先验概率控制误差函数的权重。
edge->setInformation(Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 1>::Identity() * 1 / (w_sigma * w_sigma));
// 执行优化
cout << "start optimization" << endl;
chrono::steady_clock::time_point t1 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
chrono::steady_clock::time_point t2 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
chrono::duration<double> time_used = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<double>>(t2 - t1);
cout << "solve time cost = " << time_used.count() << " seconds. " << endl;
// 输出优化值
Eigen::Vector3d abc_estimate = v->estimate();
cout << "estimated model: " << abc_estimate.transpose() << endl;
return 0;
} |
#include <iostream>
#include <g2o/core/g2o_core_api.h>
#include <g2o/core/base_vertex.h>
#include <g2o/core/base_unary_edge.h>
#include <g2o/core/block_solver.h>
#include <g2o/core/optimization_algorithm_levenberg.h>
#include <g2o/core/optimization_algorithm_gauss_newton.h>
#include <g2o/core/optimization_algorithm_dogleg.h>
#include <g2o/solvers/dense/linear_solver_dense.h>
#include <g2o/stuff/sampler.h>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <cmath>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
// 曲线模型的顶点,模板参数:优化变量维度和数据类型
class CurveFittingVertex : public g2o::BaseVertex<3, Eigen::Vector3d> {
// 重置
virtual void setToOriginImpl() override {
_estimate << 0, 0, 0;
// 更新,每一轮迭代后更新参数的值Δx。
virtual void oplusImpl(const double *update) override {
_estimate += Eigen::Vector3d(update);
// 存盘和读盘:留空
virtual bool read(istream &in) {}
virtual bool write(ostream &out) const {}
// 误差模型 模板参数:观测值维度,类型,连接顶点类型
class CurveFittingEdge : public g2o::BaseUnaryEdge<1, double, CurveFittingVertex> {
CurveFittingEdge(double x) : BaseUnaryEdge(), _x(x) {}
// 计算曲线模型误差,测量值减去估计值得到误差。
virtual void computeError() override {
const CurveFittingVertex *v = static_cast<const CurveFittingVertex *> (_vertices[0]);
const Eigen::Vector3d abc = v->estimate();
_error(0, 0) = _measurement - std::exp(abc(0, 0) * _x * _x + abc(1, 0) * _x + abc(2, 0));
// 计算雅可比矩阵,和上一篇高斯牛顿法里面的求解方式是一样的。
virtual void linearizeOplus() override {
const CurveFittingVertex *v = static_cast<const CurveFittingVertex *> (_vertices[0]);
const Eigen::Vector3d abc = v->estimate();
double y = exp(abc[0] * _x * _x + abc[1] * _x + abc[2]);
_jacobianOplusXi[0] = -_x * _x * y;
_jacobianOplusXi[1] = -_x * y;
_jacobianOplusXi[2] = -y;
virtual bool read(istream &in) {}
virtual bool write(ostream &out) const {}
double _x; // x 值, y 值为 _measurement
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
double ar = 1.0, br = 2.0, cr = 1.0; // 真实参数值
double ae = 2.0, be = -1.0, ce = 5.0; // 估计参数值
int N = 100; // 数据点
double w_sigma = 1.0; // 噪声Sigma值
double inv_sigma = 1.0 / w_sigma;
vector<double> x_data, y_data; // 数据
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
double x = i / 100.0;
y_data.push_back(exp(ar * x * x + br * x + cr) + g2o::Sampler::gaussRand(0, 0.02));//加上一个高斯误差,来表示测量是不准确的。
// 构建图优化,先设定g2o
typedef g2o::BlockSolver<g2o::BlockSolverTraits<3, 1>> BlockSolverType; // 每个误差项优化变量维度为3,误差值维度为1
typedef g2o::LinearSolverDense<BlockSolverType::PoseMatrixType> LinearSolverType; // 线性求解器类型
// 梯度下降方法,可以从GN, LM, DogLeg 中选
auto solver = new g2o::OptimizationAlgorithmGaussNewton(
g2o::SparseOptimizer optimizer; // 图模型
optimizer.setAlgorithm(solver); // 设置求解器
optimizer.setVerbose(true); // 打开调试输出
// 往图中增加顶点:待优化的参数。
CurveFittingVertex *v = new CurveFittingVertex();
v->setEstimate(Eigen::Vector3d(ae, be, ce));
// 往图中增加边:每个误差函数
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
CurveFittingEdge *edge = new CurveFittingEdge(x_data[i]);
edge->setVertex(0, v); // 设置连接的顶点
edge->setMeasurement(y_data[i]); // 观测数值
// 信息矩阵:协方差矩阵之逆,乘上一阶导数值用来决定当前梯度对全局梯度的贡献度。信息越清晰表明当前梯度越重要。
// 即人为的根据先验概率控制误差函数的权重。
edge->setInformation(Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 1>::Identity() * 1 / (w_sigma * w_sigma));
// 执行优化
cout << "start optimization" << endl;
chrono::steady_clock::time_point t1 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
chrono::steady_clock::time_point t2 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
chrono::duration<double> time_used = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<double>>(t2 - t1);
cout << "solve time cost = " << time_used.count() << " seconds. " << endl;
// 输出优化值
Eigen::Vector3d abc_estimate = v->estimate();
cout << "estimated model: " << abc_estimate.transpose() << endl;
return 0;
int SparseOptimizer::optimize(int iterations, bool online)
if (_ivMap.size() == 0) {
cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()" << endl;
return -1;
int cjIterations=0;
number_t cumTime=0;
bool ok=true;
ok = _algorithm->init(online);
if (! ok) {
cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " Error while initializing" << endl;
return -1;
if (_computeBatchStatistics)
OptimizationAlgorithm::SolverResult result = OptimizationAlgorithm::OK;
for (int i=0; i<iterations && ! terminate() && ok; i++){
if (_computeBatchStatistics) {
G2OBatchStatistics& cstat = _batchStatistics[i];
cstat.iteration = i;
cstat.numEdges = _activeEdges.size();
cstat.numVertices = _activeVertices.size();
number_t ts = get_monotonic_time();
result = _algorithm->solve(i, online);
ok = ( result == OptimizationAlgorithm::OK );
bool errorComputed = false;
if (_computeBatchStatistics) {
errorComputed = true;
_batchStatistics[i].chi2 = activeRobustChi2();
_batchStatistics[i].timeIteration = get_monotonic_time()-ts;
if (verbose()){
number_t dts = get_monotonic_time()-ts;
cumTime += dts;
if (! errorComputed)
cerr << "iteration= " << i
<< "\t chi2= " << FIXED(activeRobustChi2())
<< "\t time= " << dts
<< "\t cumTime= " << cumTime
<< "\t edges= " << _activeEdges.size();
cerr << endl;
if (result == OptimizationAlgorithm::Fail) {
return 0;
return cjIterations;
} |
int SparseOptimizer::optimize(int iterations, bool online)
if (_ivMap.size() == 0) {
cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()" << endl;
return -1;
int cjIterations=0;
number_t cumTime=0;
bool ok=true;
ok = _algorithm->init(online);
if (! ok) {
cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " Error while initializing" << endl;
return -1;
if (_computeBatchStatistics)
OptimizationAlgorithm::SolverResult result = OptimizationAlgorithm::OK;
for (int i=0; i<iterations && ! terminate() && ok; i++){
if (_computeBatchStatistics) {
G2OBatchStatistics& cstat = _batchStatistics[i];
cstat.iteration = i;
cstat.numEdges = _activeEdges.size();
cstat.numVertices = _activeVertices.size();
number_t ts = get_monotonic_time();
result = _algorithm->solve(i, online);
ok = ( result == OptimizationAlgorithm::OK );
bool errorComputed = false;
if (_computeBatchStatistics) {
errorComputed = true;
_batchStatistics[i].chi2 = activeRobustChi2();
_batchStatistics[i].timeIteration = get_monotonic_time()-ts;
if (verbose()){
number_t dts = get_monotonic_time()-ts;
cumTime += dts;
if (! errorComputed)
cerr << "iteration= " << i
<< "\t chi2= " << FIXED(activeRobustChi2())
<< "\t time= " << dts
<< "\t cumTime= " << cumTime
<< "\t edges= " << _activeEdges.size();
cerr << endl;
if (result == OptimizationAlgorithm::Fail) {
return 0;
return cjIterations;
OptimizationAlgorithm::SolverResult OptimizationAlgorithmGaussNewton::solve(int iteration, bool online)
assert(_solver.optimizer() == _optimizer && "underlying linear solver operates on different graph");
bool ok = true;
//here so that correct component for max-mixtures can be computed before the build structure
number_t t=get_monotonic_time();
G2OBatchStatistics* globalStats = G2OBatchStatistics::globalStats();
if (globalStats) {
globalStats->timeResiduals = get_monotonic_time()-t;
if (iteration == 0 && !online) { // built up the CCS structure, here due to easy time measure
//-> BlockSolver<g2o::BlockSolverTraits<3, 1> >::buildSystem()
//-> BaseFixedSizedEdge<1, double, CurveFittingVertex>::constructQuadraticForm()
//-> BaseFixedSizedEdge<1, double, CurveFittingVertex>::constructQuadraticFormNs<0ul>()
//-> BaseFixedSizedEdge<1, double, CurveFittingVertex>::constructQuadraticFormN<0>()
//中的代码from->A().noalias() += AtO * A;就可以通过更新顶点里的Hessian矩阵(A),间接达到更新_Hpp的目的。
ok = _solver.buildStructure();
if (! ok) {
cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": Failure while building CCS structure" << endl;
return OptimizationAlgorithm::Fail;
if (globalStats) {
globalStats->timeQuadraticForm = get_monotonic_time()-t;
ok = _solver.solve();
if (globalStats) {
globalStats->timeLinearSolution = get_monotonic_time()-t;
//更新x = x + Δx
if (globalStats) {
globalStats->timeUpdate = get_monotonic_time()-t;
if (ok)
return OK;
return Fail;
} |
OptimizationAlgorithm::SolverResult OptimizationAlgorithmGaussNewton::solve(int iteration, bool online)
assert(_solver.optimizer() == _optimizer && "underlying linear solver operates on different graph");
bool ok = true;
//here so that correct component for max-mixtures can be computed before the build structure
number_t t=get_monotonic_time();
G2OBatchStatistics* globalStats = G2OBatchStatistics::globalStats();
if (globalStats) {
globalStats->timeResiduals = get_monotonic_time()-t;
if (iteration == 0 && !online) { // built up the CCS structure, here due to easy time measure
//-> BlockSolver<g2o::BlockSolverTraits<3, 1> >::buildSystem()
//-> BaseFixedSizedEdge<1, double, CurveFittingVertex>::constructQuadraticForm()
//-> BaseFixedSizedEdge<1, double, CurveFittingVertex>::constructQuadraticFormNs<0ul>()
//-> BaseFixedSizedEdge<1, double, CurveFittingVertex>::constructQuadraticFormN<0>()
//中的代码from->A().noalias() += AtO * A;就可以通过更新顶点里的Hessian矩阵(A),间接达到更新_Hpp的目的。
ok = _solver.buildStructure();
if (! ok) {
cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": Failure while building CCS structure" << endl;
return OptimizationAlgorithm::Fail;
if (globalStats) {
globalStats->timeQuadraticForm = get_monotonic_time()-t;
ok = _solver.solve();
if (globalStats) {
globalStats->timeLinearSolution = get_monotonic_time()-t;
//更新x = x + Δx
if (globalStats) {
globalStats->timeUpdate = get_monotonic_time()-t;
if (ok)
return OK;
return Fail;
template <typename Traits>
bool BlockSolver<Traits>::buildSystem()
// clear b vector
# ifdef G2O_OPENMP
# pragma omp parallel for default (shared) if (_optimizer->indexMapping().size() > 1000)
# endif
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(_optimizer->indexMapping().size()); ++i) {
OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v=_optimizer->indexMapping()[i];
if (_doSchur) {
// resetting the terms for the pairwise constraints
// built up the current system by storing the Hessian blocks in the edges and vertices
# ifndef G2O_OPENMP
// no threading, we do not need to copy the workspace
JacobianWorkspace& jacobianWorkspace = _optimizer->jacobianWorkspace();
# else
// if running with threads need to produce copies of the workspace for each thread
JacobianWorkspace jacobianWorkspace = _optimizer->jacobianWorkspace();
# pragma omp parallel for default (shared) firstprivate(jacobianWorkspace) if (_optimizer->activeEdges().size() > 100)
# endif
for (int k = 0; k < static_cast<int>(_optimizer->activeEdges().size()); ++k) {
OptimizableGraph::Edge* e = _optimizer->activeEdges()[k];
e->linearizeOplus(jacobianWorkspace); // jacobian of the nodes' oplus (manifold)
//-> BaseFixedSizedEdge<1, double, CurveFittingVertex>::constructQuadraticForm()
//-> BaseFixedSizedEdge<1, double, CurveFittingVertex>::constructQuadraticFormNs<0ul>()
//-> BaseFixedSizedEdge<1, double, CurveFittingVertex>::constructQuadraticFormN<0>()
// 更新b值 b += JT * fx: from->b().noalias() += A.transpose() * weightedError;
// 更新hessian矩阵H += JT * J:from->A().noalias() += AtO * A;
# ifndef NDEBUG
for (size_t i = 0; i < e->vertices().size(); ++i) {
const OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v = static_cast<const OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(e->vertex(i));
if (! v->fixed()) {
bool hasANan = arrayHasNaN(jacobianWorkspace.workspaceForVertex(i), e->dimension() * v->dimension());
if (hasANan) {
std::cerr << "buildSystem(): NaN within Jacobian for edge " << e << " for vertex " << i << std::endl;
# endif
// flush the current system in a sparse block matrix
# ifdef G2O_OPENMP
# pragma omp parallel for default (shared) if (_optimizer->indexMapping().size() > 1000)
# endif
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(_optimizer->indexMapping().size()); ++i) {
OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v=_optimizer->indexMapping()[i];
int iBase = v->colInHessian();
if (v->marginalized())
return false;
} |
template <typename Traits>
bool BlockSolver<Traits>::buildSystem()
// clear b vector
# ifdef G2O_OPENMP
# pragma omp parallel for default (shared) if (_optimizer->indexMapping().size() > 1000)
# endif
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(_optimizer->indexMapping().size()); ++i) {
OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v=_optimizer->indexMapping()[i];
if (_doSchur) {
// resetting the terms for the pairwise constraints
// built up the current system by storing the Hessian blocks in the edges and vertices
# ifndef G2O_OPENMP
// no threading, we do not need to copy the workspace
JacobianWorkspace& jacobianWorkspace = _optimizer->jacobianWorkspace();
# else
// if running with threads need to produce copies of the workspace for each thread
JacobianWorkspace jacobianWorkspace = _optimizer->jacobianWorkspace();
# pragma omp parallel for default (shared) firstprivate(jacobianWorkspace) if (_optimizer->activeEdges().size() > 100)
# endif
for (int k = 0; k < static_cast<int>(_optimizer->activeEdges().size()); ++k) {
OptimizableGraph::Edge* e = _optimizer->activeEdges()[k];
e->linearizeOplus(jacobianWorkspace); // jacobian of the nodes' oplus (manifold)
//-> BaseFixedSizedEdge<1, double, CurveFittingVertex>::constructQuadraticForm()
//-> BaseFixedSizedEdge<1, double, CurveFittingVertex>::constructQuadraticFormNs<0ul>()
//-> BaseFixedSizedEdge<1, double, CurveFittingVertex>::constructQuadraticFormN<0>()
// 更新b值 b += JT * fx: from->b().noalias() += A.transpose() * weightedError;
// 更新hessian矩阵H += JT * J:from->A().noalias() += AtO * A;
# ifndef NDEBUG
for (size_t i = 0; i < e->vertices().size(); ++i) {
const OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v = static_cast<const OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(e->vertex(i));
if (! v->fixed()) {
bool hasANan = arrayHasNaN(jacobianWorkspace.workspaceForVertex(i), e->dimension() * v->dimension());
if (hasANan) {
std::cerr << "buildSystem(): NaN within Jacobian for edge " << e << " for vertex " << i << std::endl;
# endif
// flush the current system in a sparse block matrix
# ifdef G2O_OPENMP
# pragma omp parallel for default (shared) if (_optimizer->indexMapping().size() > 1000)
# endif
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(_optimizer->indexMapping().size()); ++i) {
OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v=_optimizer->indexMapping()[i];
int iBase = v->colInHessian();
if (v->marginalized())
return false;
//模板展开g2o::BaseFixedSizedEdge<1, Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 1, 0, 2, 1>, VertexCircle>::linearizeOplus() at base_fixed_sized_edge.hpp:130
template <int D, typename E, typename... VertexTypes>
void BaseFixedSizedEdge<D, E, VertexTypes...>::linearizeOplus(
JacobianWorkspace& jacobianWorkspace) {
linearizeOplus_allocate(jacobianWorkspace, std::make_index_sequence<_nr_of_vertices>());
class CurveFittingEdge : public g2o::BaseUnaryEdge<1, double, CurveFittingVertex> {
CurveFittingEdge(double x) : BaseUnaryEdge(), _x(x) {}
// 计算曲线模型误差
virtual void computeError() override {
const CurveFittingVertex *v = static_cast<const CurveFittingVertex *> (_vertices[0]);
const Eigen::Vector3d abc = v->estimate();
//误差 = 测量值 - 预测值
_error(0, 0) = _measurement - std::exp(abc(0, 0) * _x * _x + abc(1, 0) * _x + abc(2, 0));
// 计算雅可比矩阵,这儿是手动计算雅可比矩阵
virtual void linearizeOplus() override {
const CurveFittingVertex *v = static_cast<const CurveFittingVertex *> (_vertices[0]);
const Eigen::Vector3d abc = v->estimate();
double y = exp(abc[0] * _x * _x + abc[1] * _x + abc[2]);
//雅可比矩阵1x3 参数向量3x1 y值1x1
_jacobianOplusXi[0] = -_x * _x * y;
_jacobianOplusXi[1] = -_x * y;
_jacobianOplusXi[2] = -y;
} |
//模板展开g2o::BaseFixedSizedEdge<1, Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 1, 0, 2, 1>, VertexCircle>::linearizeOplus() at base_fixed_sized_edge.hpp:130
template <int D, typename E, typename... VertexTypes>
void BaseFixedSizedEdge<D, E, VertexTypes...>::linearizeOplus(
JacobianWorkspace& jacobianWorkspace) {
linearizeOplus_allocate(jacobianWorkspace, std::make_index_sequence<_nr_of_vertices>());
class CurveFittingEdge : public g2o::BaseUnaryEdge<1, double, CurveFittingVertex> {
CurveFittingEdge(double x) : BaseUnaryEdge(), _x(x) {}
// 计算曲线模型误差
virtual void computeError() override {
const CurveFittingVertex *v = static_cast<const CurveFittingVertex *> (_vertices[0]);
const Eigen::Vector3d abc = v->estimate();
//误差 = 测量值 - 预测值
_error(0, 0) = _measurement - std::exp(abc(0, 0) * _x * _x + abc(1, 0) * _x + abc(2, 0));
// 计算雅可比矩阵,这儿是手动计算雅可比矩阵
virtual void linearizeOplus() override {
const CurveFittingVertex *v = static_cast<const CurveFittingVertex *> (_vertices[0]);
const Eigen::Vector3d abc = v->estimate();
double y = exp(abc[0] * _x * _x + abc[1] * _x + abc[2]);
//雅可比矩阵1x3 参数向量3x1 y值1x1
_jacobianOplusXi[0] = -_x * _x * y;
_jacobianOplusXi[1] = -_x * y;
_jacobianOplusXi[2] = -y;
template <int D, typename E, typename... VertexTypes>
void BaseFixedSizedEdge<D, E, VertexTypes...>::constructQuadraticForm() {
if (this->robustKernel()) {
number_t error = this->chi2();
Vector3 rho;
this->robustKernel()->robustify(error, rho);
Eigen::Matrix<number_t, D, 1, Eigen::ColMajor> omega_r = -_information * _error;
omega_r *= rho[1];
constructQuadraticFormNs(this->robustInformation(rho), omega_r,
} else {
constructQuadraticFormNs(_information, -_information * _error,
//模板展开后为g2o::BaseFixedSizedEdge<1, double, CurveFittingVertex>::constructQuadraticFormNs<0ul>() at base_fixed_sized_edge.hpp:66
template <int D, typename E, typename... VertexTypes>
template <std::size_t... Ints>
void BaseFixedSizedEdge<D, E, VertexTypes...>::constructQuadraticFormNs(
const InformationType& omega, const ErrorVector& weightedError, std::index_sequence<Ints...>) {
int unused[] = {(constructQuadraticFormN<Ints>(omega, weightedError), 0)...};
template <int D, typename E, typename... VertexTypes>
template <int N>
void BaseFixedSizedEdge<D, E, VertexTypes...>::constructQuadraticFormN(
const InformationType& omega, const ErrorVector& weightedError) {
auto from = vertexXn<N>();
const auto& A = std::get<N>(_jacobianOplus);
if (!(from->fixed())) {
const auto AtO = A.transpose() * omega;
internal::QuadraticFormLock lck(*from);
//根据上篇文章的公式,b=AT * error,error为实际值和预测值的差。
from->b().noalias() += A.transpose() * weightedError;
//H = AT * A,累计Hessian矩阵
from->A().noalias() += AtO * A;
constructOffDiagonalQuadraticFormMs<N>(AtO, std::make_index_sequence<_nr_of_vertices - N - 1>());
}; |
template <int D, typename E, typename... VertexTypes>
void BaseFixedSizedEdge<D, E, VertexTypes...>::constructQuadraticForm() {
if (this->robustKernel()) {
number_t error = this->chi2();
Vector3 rho;
this->robustKernel()->robustify(error, rho);
Eigen::Matrix<number_t, D, 1, Eigen::ColMajor> omega_r = -_information * _error;
omega_r *= rho[1];
constructQuadraticFormNs(this->robustInformation(rho), omega_r,
} else {
constructQuadraticFormNs(_information, -_information * _error,
//模板展开后为g2o::BaseFixedSizedEdge<1, double, CurveFittingVertex>::constructQuadraticFormNs<0ul>() at base_fixed_sized_edge.hpp:66
template <int D, typename E, typename... VertexTypes>
template <std::size_t... Ints>
void BaseFixedSizedEdge<D, E, VertexTypes...>::constructQuadraticFormNs(
const InformationType& omega, const ErrorVector& weightedError, std::index_sequence<Ints...>) {
int unused[] = {(constructQuadraticFormN<Ints>(omega, weightedError), 0)...};
template <int D, typename E, typename... VertexTypes>
template <int N>
void BaseFixedSizedEdge<D, E, VertexTypes...>::constructQuadraticFormN(
const InformationType& omega, const ErrorVector& weightedError) {
auto from = vertexXn<N>();
const auto& A = std::get<N>(_jacobianOplus);
if (!(from->fixed())) {
const auto AtO = A.transpose() * omega;
internal::QuadraticFormLock lck(*from);
//根据上篇文章的公式,b=AT * error,error为实际值和预测值的差。
from->b().noalias() += A.transpose() * weightedError;
//H = AT * A,累计Hessian矩阵
from->A().noalias() += AtO * A;
constructOffDiagonalQuadraticFormMs<N>(AtO, std::make_index_sequence<_nr_of_vertices - N - 1>());
求解 _Hpp * _x = _b 得到 _x
template <typename Traits>
bool BlockSolver<Traits>::solve(){
//cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << endl;
if (! _doSchur){
number_t t=get_monotonic_time();
bool ok = _linearSolver->solve(*_Hpp, _x, _b);
G2OBatchStatistics* globalStats = G2OBatchStatistics::globalStats();
if (globalStats) {
globalStats->timeLinearSolver = get_monotonic_time() - t;
globalStats->hessianDimension = globalStats->hessianPoseDimension = _Hpp->cols();
return ok;
// schur thing
// backup the coefficient matrix
number_t t=get_monotonic_time();
// _Hschur = _Hpp, but keeping the pattern of _Hschur
memset(_coefficients.get(), 0, _sizePoses*sizeof(number_t));
# ifdef G2O_OPENMP
# pragma omp parallel for default (shared) schedule(dynamic, 10)
# endif
for (int landmarkIndex = 0; landmarkIndex < static_cast<int>(_Hll->blockCols().size()); ++landmarkIndex) {
const typename SparseBlockMatrix<LandmarkMatrixType>::IntBlockMap& marginalizeColumn = _Hll->blockCols()[landmarkIndex];
assert(marginalizeColumn.size() == 1 && "more than one block in _Hll column");
// calculate inverse block for the landmark
const LandmarkMatrixType * D = marginalizeColumn.begin()->second;
assert (D && D->rows()==D->cols() && "Error in landmark matrix");
LandmarkMatrixType& Dinv = _DInvSchur->diagonal()[landmarkIndex];
Dinv = D->inverse();
LandmarkVectorType db(D->rows());
for (int j=0; j<D->rows(); ++j) {
db[j]=_b[_Hll->rowBaseOfBlock(landmarkIndex) + _sizePoses + j];
assert((size_t)landmarkIndex < _HplCCS->blockCols().size() && "Index out of bounds");
const typename SparseBlockMatrixCCS<PoseLandmarkMatrixType>::SparseColumn& landmarkColumn = _HplCCS->blockCols()[landmarkIndex];
for (typename SparseBlockMatrixCCS<PoseLandmarkMatrixType>::SparseColumn::const_iterator it_outer = landmarkColumn.begin();
it_outer != landmarkColumn.end(); ++it_outer) {
int i1 = it_outer->row;
const PoseLandmarkMatrixType* Bi = it_outer->block;
PoseLandmarkMatrixType BDinv = (*Bi)*(Dinv);
assert(_HplCCS->rowBaseOfBlock(i1) < _sizePoses && "Index out of bounds");
typename PoseVectorType::MapType Bb(&_coefficients[_HplCCS->rowBaseOfBlock(i1)], Bi->rows());
# ifdef G2O_OPENMP
ScopedOpenMPMutex mutexLock(&_coefficientsMutex[i1]);
# endif
Bb.noalias() += (*Bi)*db;
assert(i1 >= 0 && i1 < static_cast<int>(_HschurTransposedCCS->blockCols().size()) && "Index out of bounds");
typename SparseBlockMatrixCCS<PoseMatrixType>::SparseColumn::iterator targetColumnIt = _HschurTransposedCCS->blockCols()[i1].begin();
typename SparseBlockMatrixCCS<PoseLandmarkMatrixType>::RowBlock aux(i1, 0);
typename SparseBlockMatrixCCS<PoseLandmarkMatrixType>::SparseColumn::const_iterator it_inner = lower_bound(landmarkColumn.begin(), landmarkColumn.end(), aux);
for (; it_inner != landmarkColumn.end(); ++it_inner) {
int i2 = it_inner->row;
const PoseLandmarkMatrixType* Bj = it_inner->block;
while (targetColumnIt->row < i2 /*&& targetColumnIt != _HschurTransposedCCS->blockCols()[i1].end()*/)
assert(targetColumnIt != _HschurTransposedCCS->blockCols()[i1].end() && targetColumnIt->row == i2 && "invalid iterator, something wrong with the matrix structure");
PoseMatrixType* Hi1i2 = targetColumnIt->block;//_Hschur->block(i1,i2);
(*Hi1i2).noalias() -= BDinv*Bj->transpose();
//cerr << "Solve [marginalize] = " << get_monotonic_time()-t << endl;
// _bschur = _b for calling solver, and not touching _b
memcpy(_bschur.get(), _b, _sizePoses * sizeof(number_t));
for (int i=0; i<_sizePoses; ++i){
G2OBatchStatistics* globalStats = G2OBatchStatistics::globalStats();
if (globalStats){
globalStats->timeSchurComplement = get_monotonic_time() - t;
bool solvedPoses = _linearSolver->solve(*_Hschur, _x, _bschur.get());
if (globalStats) {
globalStats->timeLinearSolver = get_monotonic_time() - t;
globalStats->hessianPoseDimension = _Hpp->cols();
globalStats->hessianLandmarkDimension = _Hll->cols();
globalStats->hessianDimension = globalStats->hessianPoseDimension + globalStats->hessianLandmarkDimension;
//cerr << "Solve [decompose and solve] = " << get_monotonic_time()-t << endl;
if (! solvedPoses)
return false;
// _x contains the solution for the poses, now applying it to the landmarks to get the new part of the
// solution;
number_t* xp = _x;
number_t* cp = _coefficients.get();
number_t* xl=_x+_sizePoses;
number_t* cl=_coefficients.get() + _sizePoses;
number_t* bl=_b+_sizePoses;
// cp = -xp
for (int i=0; i<_sizePoses; ++i)
// cl = bl
// cl = bl - Bt * xp
//Bt->multiply(cl, cp);
_HplCCS->rightMultiply(cl, cp);
// xl = Dinv * cl
memset(xl,0, _sizeLandmarks*sizeof(number_t));
//cerr << "Solve [landmark delta] = " << get_monotonic_time()-t << endl;
return true;
} |
template <typename Traits>
bool BlockSolver<Traits>::solve(){
//cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << endl;
if (! _doSchur){
number_t t=get_monotonic_time();
bool ok = _linearSolver->solve(*_Hpp, _x, _b);
G2OBatchStatistics* globalStats = G2OBatchStatistics::globalStats();
if (globalStats) {
globalStats->timeLinearSolver = get_monotonic_time() - t;
globalStats->hessianDimension = globalStats->hessianPoseDimension = _Hpp->cols();
return ok;
// schur thing
// backup the coefficient matrix
number_t t=get_monotonic_time();
// _Hschur = _Hpp, but keeping the pattern of _Hschur
memset(_coefficients.get(), 0, _sizePoses*sizeof(number_t));
# ifdef G2O_OPENMP
# pragma omp parallel for default (shared) schedule(dynamic, 10)
# endif
for (int landmarkIndex = 0; landmarkIndex < static_cast<int>(_Hll->blockCols().size()); ++landmarkIndex) {
const typename SparseBlockMatrix<LandmarkMatrixType>::IntBlockMap& marginalizeColumn = _Hll->blockCols()[landmarkIndex];
assert(marginalizeColumn.size() == 1 && "more than one block in _Hll column");
// calculate inverse block for the landmark
const LandmarkMatrixType * D = marginalizeColumn.begin()->second;
assert (D && D->rows()==D->cols() && "Error in landmark matrix");
LandmarkMatrixType& Dinv = _DInvSchur->diagonal()[landmarkIndex];
Dinv = D->inverse();
LandmarkVectorType db(D->rows());
for (int j=0; j<D->rows(); ++j) {
db[j]=_b[_Hll->rowBaseOfBlock(landmarkIndex) + _sizePoses + j];
assert((size_t)landmarkIndex < _HplCCS->blockCols().size() && "Index out of bounds");
const typename SparseBlockMatrixCCS<PoseLandmarkMatrixType>::SparseColumn& landmarkColumn = _HplCCS->blockCols()[landmarkIndex];
for (typename SparseBlockMatrixCCS<PoseLandmarkMatrixType>::SparseColumn::const_iterator it_outer = landmarkColumn.begin();
it_outer != landmarkColumn.end(); ++it_outer) {
int i1 = it_outer->row;
const PoseLandmarkMatrixType* Bi = it_outer->block;
PoseLandmarkMatrixType BDinv = (*Bi)*(Dinv);
assert(_HplCCS->rowBaseOfBlock(i1) < _sizePoses && "Index out of bounds");
typename PoseVectorType::MapType Bb(&_coefficients[_HplCCS->rowBaseOfBlock(i1)], Bi->rows());
# ifdef G2O_OPENMP
ScopedOpenMPMutex mutexLock(&_coefficientsMutex[i1]);
# endif
Bb.noalias() += (*Bi)*db;
assert(i1 >= 0 && i1 < static_cast<int>(_HschurTransposedCCS->blockCols().size()) && "Index out of bounds");
typename SparseBlockMatrixCCS<PoseMatrixType>::SparseColumn::iterator targetColumnIt = _HschurTransposedCCS->blockCols()[i1].begin();
typename SparseBlockMatrixCCS<PoseLandmarkMatrixType>::RowBlock aux(i1, 0);
typename SparseBlockMatrixCCS<PoseLandmarkMatrixType>::SparseColumn::const_iterator it_inner = lower_bound(landmarkColumn.begin(), landmarkColumn.end(), aux);
for (; it_inner != landmarkColumn.end(); ++it_inner) {
int i2 = it_inner->row;
const PoseLandmarkMatrixType* Bj = it_inner->block;
while (targetColumnIt->row < i2 /*&& targetColumnIt != _HschurTransposedCCS->blockCols()[i1].end()*/)
assert(targetColumnIt != _HschurTransposedCCS->blockCols()[i1].end() && targetColumnIt->row == i2 && "invalid iterator, something wrong with the matrix structure");
PoseMatrixType* Hi1i2 = targetColumnIt->block;//_Hschur->block(i1,i2);
(*Hi1i2).noalias() -= BDinv*Bj->transpose();
//cerr << "Solve [marginalize] = " << get_monotonic_time()-t << endl;
// _bschur = _b for calling solver, and not touching _b
memcpy(_bschur.get(), _b, _sizePoses * sizeof(number_t));
for (int i=0; i<_sizePoses; ++i){
G2OBatchStatistics* globalStats = G2OBatchStatistics::globalStats();
if (globalStats){
globalStats->timeSchurComplement = get_monotonic_time() - t;
bool solvedPoses = _linearSolver->solve(*_Hschur, _x, _bschur.get());
if (globalStats) {
globalStats->timeLinearSolver = get_monotonic_time() - t;
globalStats->hessianPoseDimension = _Hpp->cols();
globalStats->hessianLandmarkDimension = _Hll->cols();
globalStats->hessianDimension = globalStats->hessianPoseDimension + globalStats->hessianLandmarkDimension;
//cerr << "Solve [decompose and solve] = " << get_monotonic_time()-t << endl;
if (! solvedPoses)
return false;
// _x contains the solution for the poses, now applying it to the landmarks to get the new part of the
// solution;
number_t* xp = _x;
number_t* cp = _coefficients.get();
number_t* xl=_x+_sizePoses;
number_t* cl=_coefficients.get() + _sizePoses;
number_t* bl=_b+_sizePoses;
// cp = -xp
for (int i=0; i<_sizePoses; ++i)
// cl = bl
// cl = bl - Bt * xp
//Bt->multiply(cl, cp);
_HplCCS->rightMultiply(cl, cp);
// xl = Dinv * cl
memset(xl,0, _sizeLandmarks*sizeof(number_t));
//cerr << "Solve [landmark delta] = " << get_monotonic_time()-t << endl;
return true;
void SparseOptimizer::update(const number_t* update)
// update the graph by calling oplus on the vertices
for (size_t i=0; i < _ivMap.size(); ++i) {
OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v= _ivMap[i];
#ifndef NDEBUG
bool hasNan = arrayHasNaN(update, v->dimension());
if (hasNan)
cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": Update contains a nan for vertex " << v->id() << endl;
update += v->dimension();
} |
void SparseOptimizer::update(const number_t* update)
// update the graph by calling oplus on the vertices
for (size_t i=0; i < _ivMap.size(); ++i) {
OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v= _ivMap[i];
#ifndef NDEBUG
bool hasNan = arrayHasNaN(update, v->dimension());
if (hasNan)
cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": Update contains a nan for vertex " << v->id() << endl;
update += v->dimension();
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