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本文链接地址: G2O优化解析-自动微分

1 手工计算出微分,然后编码进代码
2 数值微分 (numerical differentiation)
3 符号微分 (symbolic differentiation)
4 自动微分
前向差分很少使用,因为前向差分的误差是, 而中心差分的误差是
, 中心差分的误差更小。
数值微分中存在截断误差 (Truncation error)和舍入误差 (Round-off error)。截断误差是对某种数学运算过程进行截断,将函数进行泰勒展开, 我们只可以计算前面几项,而后面的项将被截断。舍入误差是由于计算机使用有限的比特位表示实数时,不能精确表示引起的误差。
前向模式forward mode
后向模式backward mode
二元数(Dual number)和射流(Jet)
template<int N> struct Jet { double a; Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, N> v; }; template<int N> Jet<N> operator+(const Jet<N>& f, const Jet<N>& g) { return Jet<N>(f.a + g.a, f.v + g.v); } template<int N> Jet<N> operator-(const Jet<N>& f, const Jet<N>& g) { return Jet<N>(f.a - g.a, f.v - g.v); } template<int N> Jet<N> operator*(const Jet<N>& f, const Jet<N>& g) { return Jet<N>(f.a * g.a, f.a * g.v + f.v * g.a); } template<int N> Jet<N> operator/(const Jet<N>& f, const Jet<N>& g) { return Jet<N>(f.a / g.a, f.v / g.a - f.a * g.v / (g.a * g.a)); } template <int N> Jet<N> exp(const Jet<N>& f) { return Jet<T, N>(exp(f.a), exp(f.a) * f.v); } // This is a simple implementation for illustration purposes, the // actual implementation of pow requires careful handling of a number // of corner cases. template <int N> Jet<N> pow(const Jet<N>& f, const Jet<N>& g) { return Jet<N>(pow(f.a, g.a), g.a * pow(f.a, g.a - 1.0) * f.v + pow(f.a, g.a) * log(f.a); * g.v); } |
struct Rat43CostFunctor { Rat43CostFunctor(const double x, const double y) : x_(x), y_(y) {} template <typename T> bool operator()(const T* parameters, T* residuals) const { const T b1 = parameters[0]; const T b2 = parameters[1]; const T b3 = parameters[2]; const T b4 = parameters[3]; //这儿的运算就是Jet的运算,在计算值的同时也计算出了雅可比矩阵 residuals[0] = b1 * pow(1.0 + exp(b2 - b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4) - y_; return true; } private: const double x_; const double y_; }; CostFunction* cost_function = new AutoDiffCostFunction<Rat43CostFunctor, 1, 4>( new Rat43CostFunctor(x, y)); class Rat43Automatic : public ceres::SizedCostFunction<1,4> { public: Rat43Automatic(const Rat43CostFunctor* functor) : functor_(functor) {} virtual ~Rat43Automatic() {} virtual bool Evaluate(double const* const* parameters, double* residuals, double** jacobians) const { // Just evaluate the residuals if Jacobians are not required. if (!jacobians) return (*functor_)(parameters[0], residuals); // Initialize the Jets ceres::Jet<4> jets[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { jets[i].a = parameters[0][i]; jets[i].v.setZero(); jets[i].v[i] = 1.0; } ceres::Jet<4> result; (*functor_)(jets, &result); // Copy the values out of the Jet. residuals[0] = result.a; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { jacobians[0][i] = result.v[i]; } return true; } private: std::unique_ptr<const Rat43CostFunctor> functor_; }; |
// g2o - General Graph Optimization // Copyright (C) 2012 R. Kümmerle // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS // IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED // TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED // TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING // NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS // SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include <Eigen/Core> #include <Eigen/Geometry> #include <iostream> #include "g2o/core/auto_differentiation.h" #include "g2o/core/base_unary_edge.h" #include "g2o/core/base_vertex.h" #include "g2o/core/optimization_algorithm_factory.h" #include "g2o/core/sparse_optimizer.h" #include "g2o/stuff/command_args.h" #include "g2o/stuff/sampler.h" using namespace std; G2O_USE_OPTIMIZATION_LIBRARY(dense); double errorOfSolution(int numPoints, Eigen::Vector2d* points, const Eigen::Vector3d& circle) { Eigen::Vector2d center = circle.head<2>(); double radius = circle(2); double error = 0.; for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { double d = (points[i] - center).norm() - radius; error += d * d; } return error; } /** * \brief a circle located at x,y with radius r */ class VertexCircle : public g2o::BaseVertex<3, Eigen::Vector3d> { public: EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW; VertexCircle() {} virtual bool read(std::istream& /*is*/) { return false; } virtual bool write(std::ostream& /*os*/) const { return false; } virtual void setToOriginImpl() { cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " not implemented yet" << endl; } virtual void oplusImpl(const double* update) { Eigen::Vector3d::ConstMapType v(update); _estimate += v; } }; /** * \brief measurement for a point on the circle * * Here the measurement is the point which is on the circle. * The error function computes the distance of the point to * the center minus the radius of the circle. */ class EdgePointOnCircle : public g2o::BaseUnaryEdge<1, Eigen::Vector2d, VertexCircle> { public: EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW EdgePointOnCircle() {} virtual bool read(std::istream& /*is*/) { return false; } virtual bool write(std::ostream& /*os*/) const { return false; } //构建一个自动微分计算的cost函数,下面的g2o::AutoDifferentiation::linearize(this)会调用此方法进行微分计算 template <typename T> bool operator()(const T* circle, T* error) const { typename g2o::VectorN<2, T>::ConstMapType center(circle); const T& radius = circle[2]; //误差为 测量的圆心到预测参数的圆心的距离 与 预测参数半径 的差值。 error[0] = (measurement().cast<T>() - center).norm() - radius; return true; } //展开后为: // void computeError() { \ // g2o::AutoDifferentiation<std::remove_reference<decltype(*this)>::type>::computeError(this); \ // } \ // void linearizeOplus() { \ // g2o::AutoDifferentiation<std::remove_reference<decltype(*this)>::type>::linearize(this); \ // } G2O_MAKE_AUTO_AD_FUNCTIONS // use autodiff }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { int numPoints; int maxIterations; bool verbose; g2o::CommandArgs arg; arg.param("numPoints", numPoints, 100, "number of points sampled from the circle"); arg.param("i", maxIterations, 10, "perform n iterations"); arg.param("v", verbose, false, "verbose output of the optimization process"); arg.parseArgs(argc, argv); // generate random data //用圆心(4,2)和半径2生成在圆上的100个点。 Eigen::Vector2d center(4.0, 2.0); double radius = 2.0; Eigen::Vector2d* points = new Eigen::Vector2d[numPoints]; g2o::Sampler::seedRand(); for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { double r = g2o::Sampler::gaussRand(radius, 0.05); double angle = g2o::Sampler::uniformRand(0.0, 2.0 * M_PI); points[i].x() = center.x() + r * cos(angle); points[i].y() = center.y() + r * sin(angle); } // setup the solver g2o::SparseOptimizer optimizer; optimizer.setVerbose(false); // allocate the solver g2o::OptimizationAlgorithmProperty solverProperty; optimizer.setAlgorithm( g2o::OptimizationAlgorithmFactory::instance()->construct("lm_dense", solverProperty)); // build the optimization problem given the points // 1. add the circle vertex VertexCircle* circle = new VertexCircle(); circle->setId(0); //初始化的参数圆心(3,3),半径3 //根据上面的100个点和初始参数优化估计出最终合理的圆心和半径 circle->setEstimate(Eigen::Vector3d(3.0, 3.0, 3.0)); // some initial value for the circle optimizer.addVertex(circle); // 2. add the points we measured for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { EdgePointOnCircle* e = new EdgePointOnCircle; e->setInformation(Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 1>::Identity()); e->setVertex(0, circle); e->setMeasurement(points[i]); optimizer.addEdge(e); } // perform the optimization optimizer.initializeOptimization(); optimizer.setVerbose(verbose); optimizer.optimize(maxIterations); if (verbose) cout << endl; // print out the result cout << "Iterative least squares solution" << endl; cout << "center of the circle " << circle->estimate().head<2>().transpose() << endl; cout << "radius of the cirlce " << circle->estimate()(2) << endl; cout << "error " << errorOfSolution(numPoints, points, circle->estimate()) << endl; cout << endl; // solve by linear least squares // Let (a, b) be the center of the circle and r the radius of the circle. // For a point (x, y) on the circle we have: // (x - a)^2 + (y - b)^2 = r^2 // This leads to // (-2x -2y 1)^T * (a b c) = -x^2 - y^2 (1) // where c = a^2 + b^2 - r^2. // Since we have a bunch of points, we accumulate Eqn (1) in a matrix and // compute the normal equation to obtain a solution for (a b c). // Afterwards the radius r is recovered. Eigen::MatrixXd A(numPoints, 3); Eigen::VectorXd b(numPoints); for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { A(i, 0) = -2 * points[i].x(); A(i, 1) = -2 * points[i].y(); A(i, 2) = 1; b(i) = -pow(points[i].x(), 2) - pow(points[i].y(), 2); } Eigen::Vector3d solution = (A.transpose() * A).ldlt().solve(A.transpose() * b); // calculate the radius of the circle given the solution so far solution(2) = sqrt(pow(solution(0), 2) + pow(solution(1), 2) - solution(2)); cout << "Linear least squares solution" << endl; cout << "center of the circle " << solution.head<2>().transpose() << endl; cout << "radius of the cirlce " << solution(2) << endl; cout << "error " << errorOfSolution(numPoints, points, solution) << endl; // clean up delete[] points; return 0; } |
相比上面的手动计算雅可比方式CurveFittingEdge::linearizeOplus,这儿会用ceres::internal::AutoDifferentiate<1, ceres::internal::ParameterDims
g2o::BaseFixedSizedEdge<1, Eigen::Matrix
-> g2o::AutoDifferentiation
-> EdgePointOnCircle::linearizeOplus() at circle_fit.cpp:97
-> g2o::AutoDifferentiation
-> ceres::internal::AutoDifferentiate<1, ceres::internal::ParameterDims
//文件auto_differentiation.h的代码 template <typename Edge, typename EstimateAccess = EstimateAccessor<Edge>> class AutoDifferentiation { ...... /** * Linearize (compute the Jacobians) for the given edge. * Stores the Jacobians in the members of the edge. * A vertex that is fixed will obtain a Jacobian with all elements set to zero. * In the particular case that all vertices are fixed, we terminate early and do not start * evaluation of the Jacobian. */ static void linearize(Edge* that) { static_assert(Edge::Dimension > 0, "Dynamically sized edges are not supported"); linearizeOplusNs(that, std::make_index_sequence<Edge::_nr_of_vertices>()); } //that为边,误差项。 Ints为序列类型模板。 template <std::size_t... Ints> static void linearizeOplusNs(Edge* that, std::index_sequence<Ints...>) { static_assert(std::min({Edge::template VertexXnType<Ints>::Dimension...}) > 0, "Dynamically sized vertices are not supported"); // all vertices are fixed, no need to compute anything here if (that->allVerticesFixed()) { int unused[] = {(that->template jacobianOplusXn<Ints>().setZero(), 0)...}; (void)unused; return; } // tuple containing the Jacobians std::tuple<ADJacobianType<Edge::Dimension, Edge::template VertexXnType<Ints>::Dimension>...> ad_jacobians; // setting up the pointer to the parameters and the Jacobians for calling AD. //获取Edge里面的顶点参数项 EstimateAccess estimateAccess; number_t* parameters[] = {estimateAccess.template data<Ints>(that)...}; // number_t* parameters[] = { /* trivial case would be */ // const_cast<number_t*>(that->template vertexXn<Ints>()->estimate().data())...}; // pointers to the Jacobians, set to NULL if vertex is fixed to skip computation number_t* jacobians[] = {that->template vertexXn<Ints>()->fixed() ? nullptr : const_cast<number_t*>(std::get<Ints>(ad_jacobians).data())...}; // Calls the automatic differentiation for evaluation of the Jacobians. number_t errorValue[Edge::Dimension]; using AutoDiffDims = ceres::internal::StaticParameterDims<Edge::template VertexXnType<Ints>::Dimension...>; //参数依次为边EdgePointOnCircle实例,参数,输出维数,误差函数值,雅可比矩阵 bool diffState = ceres::internal::AutoDifferentiate<Edge::Dimension, AutoDiffDims, Edge, number_t>( *that, parameters, Edge::Dimension, errorValue, jacobians); assert(diffState && "Error during Automatic Differentiation"); if (!diffState) { // something went wrong during AD int unused[] = {(std::get<Ints>(ad_jacobians).setZero(), 0)...}; (void)unused; return; } // copy over the Jacobians (convert row-major -> column-major) for non-fixed vertices //复制计算出的雅可比矩阵到顶点的雅可比参数矩阵上 int unused[] = { that->template vertexXn<Ints>()->fixed() ? (that->template jacobianOplusXn<Ints>().setZero(), 0) : (assign(that->template jacobianOplusXn<Ints>(), std::get<Ints>(ad_jacobians)), 0)...}; (void)unused; } |
//文件autodiff.h的代码,从此方法开始调用ceres的自动微分方法 template <int kNumResiduals, typename ParameterDims, typename Functor, typename T> inline bool AutoDifferentiate(const Functor& functor, T const* const* parameters, int dynamic_num_outputs, T* function_value, T** jacobians) { typedef Jet<T, ParameterDims::kNumParameters> JetT; using Parameters = typename ParameterDims::Parameters; ArraySelector<JetT, ParameterDims::kNumParameters, CERES_AUTODIFF_MAX_PARAMETERS_ON_STACK> parameters_as_jets(ParameterDims::kNumParameters); // Pointers to the beginning of each parameter block std::array<JetT*, ParameterDims::kNumParameterBlocks> unpacked_parameters = ParameterDims::GetUnpackedParameters(parameters_as_jets.data()); // If the number of residuals is fixed, we use the template argument as the // number of outputs. Otherwise we use the num_outputs parameter. Note: The // ?-operator here is compile-time evaluated, therefore num_outputs is also // a compile-time constant for functors with fixed residuals. const int num_outputs = kNumResiduals == DYNAMIC ? dynamic_num_outputs : kNumResiduals; ArraySelector<JetT, kNumResiduals, CERES_AUTODIFF_MAX_RESIDUALS_ON_STACK> residuals_as_jets(num_outputs); // Invalidate the output Jets, so that we can detect if the user // did not assign values to all of them. //残差的双数表示。 for (int i = 0; i < num_outputs; ++i) { residuals_as_jets[i].a = kImpossibleValue; residuals_as_jets[i].v.setConstant(kImpossibleValue); } //复制现有的参数到parameters_as_jets Make1stOrderPerturbations<Parameters>::Apply(parameters, parameters_as_jets.data()); //这儿最终会调用EdgePointOnCircle::operator()<ceres::Jet<double, 3> > at circle_fit.cpp:91得到微分计算结果 if (!VariadicEvaluate<ParameterDims>( functor, unpacked_parameters.data(), residuals_as_jets.data())) { return false; } //复制计算的值结果到function_value,微分结果到jacobians Take0thOrderPart(num_outputs, residuals_as_jets.data(), function_value); Take1stOrderParts<Parameters>::Apply( num_outputs, residuals_as_jets.data(), jacobians); return true; } |
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