
原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自慢慢的回味

本文链接地址: 局部规划器-TebLocalPlannerROS


在Move Base初始化中通过参数指定base_local_planner为teb_local_planner/TebLocalPlannerROS

    private_nh.param("base_local_planner", local_planner, std::string("base_local_planner/TrajectoryPlannerROS"));
    //create a local planner
    try {
      tc_ = blp_loader_.createInstance(local_planner);
      ROS_INFO("Created local_planner %s", local_planner.c_str());
      tc_->initialize(blp_loader_.getName(local_planner), &tf_, controller_costmap_ros_);
    } catch (const pluginlib::PluginlibException& ex) {
      ROS_FATAL("Failed to create the %s planner, are you sure it is properly registered and that the containing library is built? Exception: %s", local_planner.c_str(), ex.what());

Move Base中通过调用tc_->computeVelocityCommands(cmd_vel)完成速度命令计算。



void TebLocalPlannerROS::initialize(std::string name, tf2_ros::Buffer* tf, costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS* costmap_ros)
  // check if the plugin is already initialized
    // create Node Handle with name of plugin (as used in move_base for loading)
    ros::NodeHandle nh("~/" + name);
    // get parameters of TebConfig via the nodehandle and override the default config
    // reserve some memory for obstacles
    // create visualization instance	
    visualization_ = TebVisualizationPtr(new TebVisualization(nh, cfg_)); 
    // create robot footprint/contour model for optimization
    RobotFootprintModelPtr robot_model = getRobotFootprintFromParamServer(nh);
    // create the planner instance
    if (cfg_.hcp.enable_homotopy_class_planning)
      planner_ = PlannerInterfacePtr(new HomotopyClassPlanner(cfg_, &obstacles_, robot_model, visualization_, &via_points_));
      ROS_INFO("Parallel planning in distinctive topologies enabled.");
      planner_ = PlannerInterfacePtr(new TebOptimalPlanner(cfg_, &obstacles_, robot_model, visualization_, &via_points_));
      ROS_INFO("Parallel planning in distinctive topologies disabled.");
    // init other variables
    tf_ = tf;
    costmap_ros_ = costmap_ros;
    costmap_ = costmap_ros_->getCostmap(); // locking should be done in MoveBase.
    costmap_model_ = boost::make_shared<base_local_planner::CostmapModel>(*costmap_);
    global_frame_ = costmap_ros_->getGlobalFrameID();
    cfg_.map_frame = global_frame_; // TODO
    robot_base_frame_ = costmap_ros_->getBaseFrameID();
    //Initialize a costmap to polygon converter
    if (!cfg_.obstacles.costmap_converter_plugin.empty())
        costmap_converter_ = costmap_converter_loader_.createInstance(cfg_.obstacles.costmap_converter_plugin);
        std::string converter_name = costmap_converter_loader_.getName(cfg_.obstacles.costmap_converter_plugin);
        // replace '::' by '/' to convert the c++ namespace to a NodeHandle namespace
        boost::replace_all(converter_name, "::", "/");
        costmap_converter_->initialize(ros::NodeHandle(nh, "costmap_converter/" + converter_name));
        costmap_converter_->startWorker(ros::Rate(cfg_.obstacles.costmap_converter_rate), costmap_, cfg_.obstacles.costmap_converter_spin_thread);
        ROS_INFO_STREAM("Costmap conversion plugin " << cfg_.obstacles.costmap_converter_plugin << " loaded.");        
      catch(pluginlib::PluginlibException& ex)
        ROS_WARN("The specified costmap converter plugin cannot be loaded. All occupied costmap cells are treaten as point obstacles. Error message: %s", ex.what());
      ROS_INFO("No costmap conversion plugin specified. All occupied costmap cells are treaten as point obstacles.");
    // Get footprint of the robot and minimum and maximum distance from the center of the robot to its footprint vertices.
    footprint_spec_ = costmap_ros_->getRobotFootprint();
    costmap_2d::calculateMinAndMaxDistances(footprint_spec_, robot_inscribed_radius_, robot_circumscribed_radius);    
    // init the odom helper to receive the robot's velocity from odom messages
    // setup dynamic reconfigure
    dynamic_recfg_ = boost::make_shared< dynamic_reconfigure::Server<TebLocalPlannerReconfigureConfig> >(nh);
    dynamic_reconfigure::Server<TebLocalPlannerReconfigureConfig>::CallbackType cb = boost::bind(&TebLocalPlannerROS::reconfigureCB, this, _1, _2);
    // validate optimization footprint and costmap footprint
    validateFootprints(robot_model->getInscribedRadius(), robot_inscribed_radius_, cfg_.obstacles.min_obstacle_dist);
    // setup callback for custom obstacles
    custom_obst_sub_ = nh.subscribe("obstacles", 1, &TebLocalPlannerROS::customObstacleCB, this);
    // setup callback for custom via-points
    via_points_sub_ = nh.subscribe("via_points", 1, &TebLocalPlannerROS::customViaPointsCB, this);
    // initialize failure detector
    ros::NodeHandle nh_move_base("~");
    double controller_frequency = 5;
    nh_move_base.param("controller_frequency", controller_frequency, controller_frequency);
    // set initialized flag
    initialized_ = true;
    ROS_DEBUG("teb_local_planner plugin initialized.");
    ROS_WARN("teb_local_planner has already been initialized, doing nothing.");


uint32_t TebLocalPlannerROS::computeVelocityCommands(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& pose,
                                                     const geometry_msgs::TwistStamped& velocity,
                                                     geometry_msgs::TwistStamped &cmd_vel,
                                                     std::string &message)
  // check if plugin initialized
    ROS_ERROR("teb_local_planner has not been initialized, please call initialize() before using this planner");
    message = "teb_local_planner has not been initialized";
    return mbf_msgs::ExePathResult::NOT_INITIALIZED;
  static uint32_t seq = 0;
  cmd_vel.header.seq = seq++;
  cmd_vel.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
  cmd_vel.header.frame_id = robot_base_frame_;
  cmd_vel.twist.linear.x = cmd_vel.twist.linear.y = cmd_vel.twist.angular.z = 0;
  goal_reached_ = false;  
  // Get robot pose 获取小车位置
  geometry_msgs::PoseStamped robot_pose;
  robot_pose_ = PoseSE2(robot_pose.pose);
  // Get robot velocity 从里程计中获取小车当前速度
  geometry_msgs::PoseStamped robot_vel_tf;
  robot_vel_.linear.x = robot_vel_tf.pose.position.x;
  robot_vel_.linear.y = robot_vel_tf.pose.position.y;
  robot_vel_.angular.z = tf2::getYaw(robot_vel_tf.pose.orientation);
  // prune global plan to cut off parts of the past (spatially before the robot)
  pruneGlobalPlan(*tf_, robot_pose, global_plan_, cfg_.trajectory.global_plan_prune_distance);
  // Transform global plan to the frame of interest (w.r.t. the local costmap)
  std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> transformed_plan;
  int goal_idx;
  geometry_msgs::TransformStamped tf_plan_to_global;
  if (!transformGlobalPlan(*tf_, global_plan_, robot_pose, *costmap_, global_frame_, cfg_.trajectory.max_global_plan_lookahead_dist, 
                           transformed_plan, &goal_idx, &tf_plan_to_global))
    ROS_WARN("Could not transform the global plan to the frame of the controller");
    message = "Could not transform the global plan to the frame of the controller";
    return mbf_msgs::ExePathResult::INTERNAL_ERROR;
  // update via-points container
  if (!custom_via_points_active_)
    updateViaPointsContainer(transformed_plan, cfg_.trajectory.global_plan_viapoint_sep);
  // check if global goal is reached 
//如果距离小于容错距离并且容错配置不用完成全局规划(!cfg_.goal_tolerance.complete_global_plan)或者当前经过点为空(via_points_.size() == 0),则认为目标到达,退出局部规划器。
  geometry_msgs::PoseStamped global_goal;
  tf2::doTransform(global_plan_.back(), global_goal, tf_plan_to_global);
  double dx = global_goal.pose.position.x - robot_pose_.x();
  double dy = global_goal.pose.position.y - robot_pose_.y();
  double delta_orient = g2o::normalize_theta( tf2::getYaw(global_goal.pose.orientation) - robot_pose_.theta() );
  if(fabs(std::sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)) < cfg_.goal_tolerance.xy_goal_tolerance
    && fabs(delta_orient) < cfg_.goal_tolerance.yaw_goal_tolerance
    && (!cfg_.goal_tolerance.complete_global_plan || via_points_.size() == 0))
    goal_reached_ = true;
    return mbf_msgs::ExePathResult::SUCCESS;
  // check if we should enter any backup mode and apply settings
  configureBackupModes(transformed_plan, goal_idx);
  // Return false if the transformed global plan is empty
  if (transformed_plan.empty())
    ROS_WARN("Transformed plan is empty. Cannot determine a local plan.");
    message = "Transformed plan is empty";
    return mbf_msgs::ExePathResult::INVALID_PATH;
  // Get current goal point (last point of the transformed plan)
  robot_goal_.x() = transformed_plan.back().pose.position.x;
  robot_goal_.y() = transformed_plan.back().pose.position.y;
  // Overwrite goal orientation if needed
  if (cfg_.trajectory.global_plan_overwrite_orientation)
    robot_goal_.theta() = estimateLocalGoalOrientation(global_plan_, transformed_plan.back(), goal_idx, tf_plan_to_global);
    // overwrite/update goal orientation of the transformed plan with the actual goal (enable using the plan as initialization)
    tf2::Quaternion q;
    q.setRPY(0, 0, robot_goal_.theta());
    tf2::convert(q, transformed_plan.back().pose.orientation);
    robot_goal_.theta() = tf2::getYaw(transformed_plan.back().pose.orientation);
  // overwrite/update start of the transformed plan with the actual robot position (allows using the plan as initial trajectory)
  if (transformed_plan.size()==1) // plan only contains the goal
    transformed_plan.insert(transformed_plan.begin(), geometry_msgs::PoseStamped()); // insert start (not yet initialized)
  transformed_plan.front() = robot_pose; // update start
  // clear currently existing obstacles
  // Update obstacle container with costmap information or polygons provided by a costmap_converter plugin
  if (costmap_converter_)
  // also consider custom obstacles (must be called after other updates, since the container is not cleared)
  // Do not allow config changes during the following optimization step
  boost::mutex::scoped_lock cfg_lock(cfg_.configMutex());
  // Now perform the actual planning 
// 调用TebOptimalPlanner::plan方法进行局部规划,下节具体讲解这个方法。
//   bool success = planner_->plan(robot_pose_, robot_goal_, robot_vel_, cfg_.goal_tolerance.free_goal_vel); // straight line init
  bool success = planner_->plan(transformed_plan, &robot_vel_, cfg_.goal_tolerance.free_goal_vel);
  if (!success)
    planner_->clearPlanner(); // force reinitialization for next time
    ROS_WARN("teb_local_planner was not able to obtain a local plan for the current setting.");
    ++no_infeasible_plans_; // increase number of infeasible solutions in a row
    time_last_infeasible_plan_ = ros::Time::now();
    last_cmd_ = cmd_vel.twist;
    message = "teb_local_planner was not able to obtain a local plan";
    return mbf_msgs::ExePathResult::NO_VALID_CMD;
  // Check feasibility (but within the first few states only)
    // Update footprint of the robot and minimum and maximum distance from the center of the robot to its footprint vertices.
    footprint_spec_ = costmap_ros_->getRobotFootprint();
    costmap_2d::calculateMinAndMaxDistances(footprint_spec_, robot_inscribed_radius_, robot_circumscribed_radius);
  bool feasible = planner_->isTrajectoryFeasible(costmap_model_.get(), footprint_spec_, robot_inscribed_radius_, robot_circumscribed_radius, cfg_.trajectory.feasibility_check_no_poses);
  if (!feasible)
    cmd_vel.twist.linear.x = cmd_vel.twist.linear.y = cmd_vel.twist.angular.z = 0;
    // now we reset everything to start again with the initialization of new trajectories.
    ROS_WARN("TebLocalPlannerROS: trajectory is not feasible. Resetting planner...");
    ++no_infeasible_plans_; // increase number of infeasible solutions in a row
    time_last_infeasible_plan_ = ros::Time::now();
    last_cmd_ = cmd_vel.twist;
    message = "teb_local_planner trajectory is not feasible";
    return mbf_msgs::ExePathResult::NO_VALID_CMD;
  // Get the velocity command for this sampling interval 
  if (!planner_->getVelocityCommand(cmd_vel.twist.linear.x, cmd_vel.twist.linear.y, cmd_vel.twist.angular.z, cfg_.trajectory.control_look_ahead_poses))
    ROS_WARN("TebLocalPlannerROS: velocity command invalid. Resetting planner...");
    ++no_infeasible_plans_; // increase number of infeasible solutions in a row
    time_last_infeasible_plan_ = ros::Time::now();
    last_cmd_ = cmd_vel.twist;
    message = "teb_local_planner velocity command invalid";
    return mbf_msgs::ExePathResult::NO_VALID_CMD;
  // Saturate velocity, if the optimization results violates the constraints (could be possible due to soft constraints).
  saturateVelocity(cmd_vel.twist.linear.x, cmd_vel.twist.linear.y, cmd_vel.twist.angular.z,
                   cfg_.robot.max_vel_x, cfg_.robot.max_vel_y, cfg_.robot.max_vel_theta, cfg_.robot.max_vel_x_backwards);
  // convert rot-vel to steering angle if desired (carlike robot).
  // The min_turning_radius is allowed to be slighly smaller since it is a soft-constraint
  // and opposed to the other constraints not affected by penalty_epsilon. The user might add a safety margin to the parameter itself.
  if (cfg_.robot.cmd_angle_instead_rotvel)
    cmd_vel.twist.angular.z = convertTransRotVelToSteeringAngle(cmd_vel.twist.linear.x, cmd_vel.twist.angular.z,
                                                                cfg_.robot.wheelbase, 0.95*cfg_.robot.min_turning_radius);
    if (!std::isfinite(cmd_vel.twist.angular.z))
      cmd_vel.twist.linear.x = cmd_vel.twist.linear.y = cmd_vel.twist.angular.z = 0;
      last_cmd_ = cmd_vel.twist;
      ROS_WARN("TebLocalPlannerROS: Resulting steering angle is not finite. Resetting planner...");
      ++no_infeasible_plans_; // increase number of infeasible solutions in a row
      time_last_infeasible_plan_ = ros::Time::now();
      message = "teb_local_planner steering angle is not finite";
      return mbf_msgs::ExePathResult::NO_VALID_CMD;
  // a feasible solution should be found, reset counter
  no_infeasible_plans_ = 0;
  // store last command (for recovery analysis etc.)
  last_cmd_ = cmd_vel.twist;
  // Now visualize everything    
  return mbf_msgs::ExePathResult::SUCCESS;


bool TebOptimalPlanner::plan(const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& initial_plan, const geometry_msgs::Twist* start_vel, bool free_goal_vel)
  ROS_ASSERT_MSG(initialized_, "Call initialize() first.");
  if (!teb_.isInit())
    teb_.initTrajectoryToGoal(initial_plan, cfg_->robot.max_vel_x, cfg_->robot.max_vel_theta, cfg_->trajectory.global_plan_overwrite_orientation,
      cfg_->trajectory.min_samples, cfg_->trajectory.allow_init_with_backwards_motion);
  else // warm start
    PoseSE2 start_(initial_plan.front().pose);
    PoseSE2 goal_(initial_plan.back().pose);
    if (teb_.sizePoses()>0
        && (goal_.position() - teb_.BackPose().position()).norm() < cfg_->trajectory.force_reinit_new_goal_dist
        && fabs(g2o::normalize_theta(goal_.theta() - teb_.BackPose().theta())) < cfg_->trajectory.force_reinit_new_goal_angular) // actual warm start!
      teb_.updateAndPruneTEB(start_, goal_, cfg_->trajectory.min_samples); // update TEB
    else // goal too far away -> reinit
      ROS_DEBUG("New goal: distance to existing goal is higher than the specified threshold. Reinitalizing trajectories.");
      teb_.initTrajectoryToGoal(initial_plan, cfg_->robot.max_vel_x, cfg_->robot.max_vel_theta, cfg_->trajectory.global_plan_overwrite_orientation,
        cfg_->trajectory.min_samples, cfg_->trajectory.allow_init_with_backwards_motion);
  if (start_vel)
  if (free_goal_vel)
    vel_goal_.first = true; // we just reactivate and use the previously set velocity (should be zero if nothing was modified)
  // now optimize
  return optimizeTEB(cfg_->optim.no_inner_iterations, cfg_->optim.no_outer_iterations);
bool TebOptimalPlanner::optimizeTEB(int iterations_innerloop, int iterations_outerloop, bool compute_cost_afterwards,
                                    double obst_cost_scale, double viapoint_cost_scale, bool alternative_time_cost)
  if (cfg_->optim.optimization_activate==false) 
    return false;
  bool success = false;
  optimized_ = false;
  double weight_multiplier = 1.0;
  // TODO(roesmann): we introduced the non-fast mode with the support of dynamic obstacles
  //                (which leads to better results in terms of x-y-t homotopy planning).
  //                 however, we have not tested this mode intensively yet, so we keep
  //                 the legacy fast mode as default until we finish our tests.
  bool fast_mode = !cfg_->obstacles.include_dynamic_obstacles;
  for(int i=0; i<iterations_outerloop; ++i)
    if (cfg_->trajectory.teb_autosize)
      //teb_.autoResize(cfg_->trajectory.dt_ref, cfg_->trajectory.dt_hysteresis, cfg_->trajectory.min_samples, cfg_->trajectory.max_samples);
      teb_.autoResize(cfg_->trajectory.dt_ref, cfg_->trajectory.dt_hysteresis, cfg_->trajectory.min_samples, cfg_->trajectory.max_samples, fast_mode);
    success = buildGraph(weight_multiplier);
    if (!success) 
        return false;
    success = optimizeGraph(iterations_innerloop, false);
    if (!success) 
        return false;
    optimized_ = true;
    if (compute_cost_afterwards && i==iterations_outerloop-1) // compute cost vec only in the last iteration
      computeCurrentCost(obst_cost_scale, viapoint_cost_scale, alternative_time_cost);
    weight_multiplier *= cfg_->optim.weight_adapt_factor;
  return true;


bool TebOptimalPlanner::buildGraph(double weight_multiplier)
  if (!optimizer_->edges().empty() || !optimizer_->vertices().empty())
    ROS_WARN("Cannot build graph, because it is not empty. Call graphClear()!");
    return false;
  // add TEB vertices 
//下面的都是边,方程的约束项,每个边都有computeError()方法来计算error,图优化的目的就是尽可能的使总体error最小 。
  // add Edges (local cost functions)
  if (cfg_->obstacles.legacy_obstacle_association)
//  void computeError()
//  {
//    const VertexPose* bandpt = static_cast<const VertexPose*>(_vertices[0]);
//    double dist = robot_model_->calculateDistance(bandpt->pose(), _measurement);
//    _error[0] = penaltyBoundFromBelow(dist, cfg_->obstacles.min_obstacle_dist, cfg_->optim.penalty_epsilon);
  if (cfg_->obstacles.include_dynamic_obstacles)
//  void computeError()
//  {
//    const VertexPose* bandpt = static_cast<const VertexPose*>(_vertices[0]);
//    _error[0] = (bandpt->position() - *_measurement).norm();
//  void computeError()
//  {
//    const VertexPose* conf1 = static_cast<const VertexPose*>(_vertices[0]);
//    const VertexPose* conf2 = static_cast<const VertexPose*>(_vertices[1]);
//    const VertexTimeDiff* deltaT = static_cast<const VertexTimeDiff*>(_vertices[2]);
//    const Eigen::Vector2d deltaS = conf2->estimate().position() - conf1->estimate().position();
//    double dist = deltaS.norm();
//    const double angle_diff = g2o::normalize_theta(conf2->theta() - conf1->theta());
//    if (cfg_->trajectory.exact_arc_length && angle_diff != 0)
//    {
//        double radius =  dist/(2*sin(angle_diff/2));
//        dist = fabs( angle_diff * radius ); // actual arg length!
//    }
//    double vel = dist / deltaT->estimate();
//    vel *= fast_sigmoid( 100 * (deltaS.x()*cos(conf1->theta()) + deltaS.y()*sin(conf1->theta())) ); // consider direction    
//    const double omega = angle_diff / deltaT->estimate(); 
//    _error[0] = penaltyBoundToInterval(vel, -cfg_->robot.max_vel_x_backwards, cfg_->robot.max_vel_x,cfg_->optim.penalty_epsilon);
//    _error[1] = penaltyBoundToInterval(omega, cfg_->robot.max_vel_theta,cfg_->optim.penalty_epsilon);
  if (cfg_->robot.min_turning_radius == 0 || cfg_->optim.weight_kinematics_turning_radius == 0)
    AddEdgesKinematicsDiffDrive(); // we have a differential drive robot
//  void computeError()
//  {
//    const VertexPose* conf1 = static_cast<const VertexPose*>(_vertices[0]);
//    const VertexPose* conf2 = static_cast<const VertexPose*>(_vertices[1]);
//    Eigen::Vector2d deltaS = conf2->position() - conf1->position();
//    _error[0] = fabs( ( cos(conf1->theta())+cos(conf2->theta()) ) * deltaS[1] - ( sin(conf1->theta())+sin(conf2->theta()) ) * deltaS[0] );
//    // limit minimum turning radius
//    double angle_diff = g2o::normalize_theta( conf2->theta() - conf1->theta() );
//    if (angle_diff == 0)
//      _error[1] = 0; // straight line motion
//    else if (cfg_->trajectory.exact_arc_length) // use exact computation of the radius
//      _error[1] = penaltyBoundFromBelow(fabs(deltaS.norm()/(2*sin(angle_diff/2))), cfg_->robot.min_turning_radius, 0.0);
//    else
//      _error[1] = penaltyBoundFromBelow(deltaS.norm() / fabs(angle_diff), cfg_->robot.min_turning_radius, 0.0); 
    AddEdgesKinematicsCarlike(); // we have a carlike robot since the turning radius is bounded from below.
  if (cfg_->optim.weight_velocity_obstacle_ratio > 0)
  return true;  
bool TebOptimalPlanner::optimizeGraph(int no_iterations,bool clear_after)
  if (cfg_->robot.max_vel_x<0.01)
    ROS_WARN("optimizeGraph(): Robot Max Velocity is smaller than 0.01m/s. Optimizing aborted...");
    if (clear_after) clearGraph();
    return false;	
  if (!teb_.isInit() || teb_.sizePoses() < cfg_->trajectory.min_samples)
    ROS_WARN("optimizeGraph(): TEB is empty or has too less elements. Skipping optimization.");
    if (clear_after) clearGraph();
    return false;	
  int iter = optimizer_->optimize(no_iterations);
  // Save Hessian for visualization
  //  g2o::OptimizationAlgorithmLevenberg* lm = dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizationAlgorithmLevenberg*> (optimizer_->solver());
  //  lm->solver()->saveHessian("~/MasterThesis/Matlab/Hessian.txt");
	ROS_ERROR("optimizeGraph(): Optimization failed! iter=%i", iter);
	return false;
  if (clear_after) clearGraph();	
  return true;

通过调用getVelocityCommand,从优化后的位置中选择look_ahead_poses和当前位置计算deltaS和deltaT,最后得到vx, vy和方向omega。

void TebOptimalPlanner::extractVelocity(const PoseSE2& pose1, const PoseSE2& pose2, double dt, double& vx, double& vy, double& omega) const
  if (dt == 0)
    vx = 0;
    vy = 0;
    omega = 0;
  Eigen::Vector2d deltaS = pose2.position() - pose1.position();
  if (cfg_->robot.max_vel_y == 0) // nonholonomic robot
    Eigen::Vector2d conf1dir( cos(pose1.theta()), sin(pose1.theta()) );
    // translational velocity
    double dir = deltaS.dot(conf1dir);
    vx = (double) g2o::sign(dir) * deltaS.norm()/dt;
    vy = 0;
  else // holonomic robot
    // transform pose 2 into the current robot frame (pose1)
    // for velocities only the rotation of the direction vector is necessary.
    // (map->pose1-frame: inverse 2d rotation matrix)
    double cos_theta1 = std::cos(pose1.theta());
    double sin_theta1 = std::sin(pose1.theta());
    double p1_dx =  cos_theta1*deltaS.x() + sin_theta1*deltaS.y();
    double p1_dy = -sin_theta1*deltaS.x() + cos_theta1*deltaS.y();
    vx = p1_dx / dt;
    vy = p1_dy / dt;    
  // rotational velocity
  double orientdiff = g2o::normalize_theta(pose2.theta() - pose1.theta());
  omega = orientdiff/dt;
bool TebOptimalPlanner::getVelocityCommand(double& vx, double& vy, double& omega, int look_ahead_poses) const
  if (teb_.sizePoses()<2)
    ROS_ERROR("TebOptimalPlanner::getVelocityCommand(): The trajectory contains less than 2 poses. Make sure to init and optimize/plan the trajectory fist.");
    vx = 0;
    vy = 0;
    omega = 0;
    return false;
  look_ahead_poses = std::max(1, std::min(look_ahead_poses, teb_.sizePoses() - 1));
  double dt = 0.0;
  for(int counter = 0; counter < look_ahead_poses; ++counter)
    dt += teb_.TimeDiff(counter);
    if(dt >= cfg_->trajectory.dt_ref * look_ahead_poses)  // TODO: change to look-ahead time? Refine trajectory?
        look_ahead_poses = counter + 1;
  if (dt<=0)
    ROS_ERROR("TebOptimalPlanner::getVelocityCommand() - timediff<=0 is invalid!");
    vx = 0;
    vy = 0;
    omega = 0;
    return false;
  // Get velocity from the first two configurations
  extractVelocity(teb_.Pose(0), teb_.Pose(look_ahead_poses), dt, vx, vy, omega);
  return true;

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