TreeNode in Spark analyze

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TreeNode(Code in TreeNode.scala) have very important holder in Spark which is a parent of QueryPlan(Parent of LogicPlan and SparkPlan).
So understand the TreeNode will have a well help to understand the Spark SQL process flow.

mapProductIterator method
   * Efficient alternative to ``.
  protected def mapProductIterator[B: ClassTag](f: Any => B): Array[B] = {
    val arr = Array.ofDim[B](productArity)
    var i = 0
    while (i < arr.length) {
      arr(i) = f(productElement(i))
      i += 1

The method will iterate all the element and apply the function “f”.
At here, productArity is size of the product. For case class, it is the size of the parameters.
For example, Case Join at here, the productArity value is 3.
And for productElement() method, it will get the element at the index value.
So productElement(0) is “left”, productElement(1) is “right”, productElement(2) is “joinType” and productElement(3) is “condition”.

case class Join(
    left: LogicalPlan,
    right: LogicalPlan,
    joinType: JoinType,
    condition: Option[Expression])
  extends BinaryNode with PredicateHelper {

So the Join Logic Plan will apply all the parameters to parameter function “f”.
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