Analyzer in Spark

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The Analyzer is extend from RuleExecutor which will execute the rule on Logic Plan.

Execute the rule

And the RuleExecutor will invoke execute method to apply them per batch per rule.

   * Executes the batches of rules defined by the subclass. The batches are executed serially
   * using the defined execution strategy. Within each batch, rules are also executed serially.
  def execute(plan: TreeType): TreeType = {
    var curPlan = plan
    batches.foreach { batch =>
      val batchStartPlan = curPlan
      var iteration = 1
      var lastPlan = curPlan
      var continue = true
      // Run until fix point (or the max number of iterations as specified in the strategy.
      while (continue) {
        curPlan = batch.rules.foldLeft(curPlan) {
          case (plan, rule) =>
            val startTime = System.nanoTime()
            val result = rule(plan)
            val runTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime
            RuleExecutor.timeMap.addAndGet(rule.ruleName, runTime)
            if (!result.fastEquals(plan)) {
                  |=== Applying Rule ${rule.ruleName} ===
                  |${sideBySide(plan.treeString, result.treeString).mkString("\n")}
Rules in Analyzer

There are many rules in Analyzer in Spark:

lazy val batches: Seq[Batch] = Seq(
    Batch("Substitution", fixedPoint,
      new SubstituteUnresolvedOrdinals(conf)),
    Batch("Resolution", fixedPoint,
      ResolveTableValuedFunctions ::
      ResolveRelations ::
      ResolveReferences ::
      ResolveCreateNamedStruct ::
      ResolveDeserializer ::
      ResolveNewInstance ::
      ResolveUpCast ::
      ResolveGroupingAnalytics ::
      ResolvePivot ::
      ResolveOrdinalInOrderByAndGroupBy ::
      ResolveMissingReferences ::
      ExtractGenerator ::
      ResolveGenerate ::
      ResolveFunctions ::
      ResolveAliases ::
      ResolveSubquery ::
      ResolveWindowOrder ::
      ResolveWindowFrame ::
      ResolveNaturalAndUsingJoin ::
      ExtractWindowExpressions ::
      GlobalAggregates ::
      ResolveAggregateFunctions ::
      TimeWindowing ::
      ResolveInlineTables ::
      TypeCoercion.typeCoercionRules ++
      extendedResolutionRules : _*),
    Batch("Nondeterministic", Once,
    Batch("UDF", Once,
    Batch("FixNullability", Once,
    Batch("Cleanup", fixedPoint,

Let’s explain two general rules.

CTESubstitution rule

What is CTE? Common Table Expression.

WITH expression_name [ ( column_name [,...n] ) ] 
( CTE_query_definition )
   * Analyze cte definitions and substitute child plan with analyzed cte definitions.
  object CTESubstitution extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
    def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan resolveOperators  {
      case With(child, relations) =>//Mark A
        substituteCTE(child, relations.foldLeft(Seq.empty[(String, LogicalPlan)]) {
          case (resolved, (name, relation)) =>
            resolved :+ name -> execute(substituteCTE(relation, resolved))//Mark C
      case other => other
    def substituteCTE(plan: LogicalPlan, cteRelations: Seq[(String, LogicalPlan)]): LogicalPlan = {
      plan transformDown {
        case u : UnresolvedRelation => //Mark B
          val substituted = cteRelations.find(x => resolver(x._1, u.tableIdentifier.table))
            .map(_._2).map { relation =>
              val withAlias =, relation, None))
        case other =>
          // This cannot be done in ResolveSubquery because ResolveSubquery does not know the CTE.
          other transformExpressions {
            case e: SubqueryExpression =>
              e.withNewPlan(substituteCTE(e.plan, cteRelations))

The rule will invoke resolveOperators method with rule content which quoted by “{ }”.
As sql “with q1 as (select * from testData limit 10) select * from q1” for example:
At “Mark A”, the “child” is:

'Project [*]
+- 'UnresolvedRelation `q1`

And the “relations” is:

(q1,'SubqueryAlias q1
+- 'GlobalLimit 10
   +- 'LocalLimit 10
      +- 'Project [*]
         +- 'UnresolvedRelation `testData`

At “Mark B”, the “u” is “UnresolvedRelation `q1`”.

The object of the substituteCTE is used to substitute the child “‘UnresolvedRelation `q1`” to a SubqueryAlias.

Please note “Mark C”, the code is recursive, it will apply the batch rules on child relation first, then parent.
It is a very classic code style in Spark.

The result for child will be:

'Project [*]
+- SubqueryAlias q1
   +- GlobalLimit 10
      +- LocalLimit 10
         +- Project [key#13, value#14]
            +- SubqueryAlias testdata, `testData`
               +- SerializeFromObject
                  +- ExternalRDD [obj#12]
resolveOperators method

Method “resolveOperators” is a recursive method which will invoke “transformChildren” method to apply the rule on children first then self.

   * Returns a copy of this node where `rule` has been recursively applied first to all of its
   * children and then itself (post-order). When `rule` does not apply to a given node, it is left
   * unchanged.  This function is similar to `transformUp`, but skips sub-trees that have already
   * been marked as analyzed.
   * @param rule the function use to transform this nodes children
  def resolveOperators(rule: PartialFunction[LogicalPlan, LogicalPlan]): LogicalPlan = {
    if (!analyzed) {
      val afterRuleOnChildren = transformChildren(rule, (t, r) => t.resolveOperators(r))
      if (this fastEquals afterRuleOnChildren) {
        CurrentOrigin.withOrigin(origin) {
          rule.applyOrElse(this, identity[LogicalPlan])
      } else {
        CurrentOrigin.withOrigin(origin) {
          rule.applyOrElse(afterRuleOnChildren, identity[LogicalPlan])
    } else {
ResolveReferences rule

The main logic of method “apply”:
Expand the Stars for Project, Aggregate, ScriptTransformation and Generate.
To resolve duplicate expression IDs for Join and Intersect.
At last, try process the UnresolvedAttribute.

   * Replaces [[UnresolvedAttribute]]s with concrete [[AttributeReference]]s from
   * a logical plan node's children.
  object ResolveReferences extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
    def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan resolveOperators {
      case p: LogicalPlan if !p.childrenResolved => p
      // If the projection list contains Stars, expand it.
      case p: Project if containsStar(p.projectList) =>
        p.copy(projectList = buildExpandedProjectList(p.projectList, p.child))
      // If the aggregate function argument contains Stars, expand it.
      case a: Aggregate if containsStar(a.aggregateExpressions) =>
        if (a.groupingExpressions.exists(_.isInstanceOf[UnresolvedOrdinal])) {
            "Star (*) is not allowed in select list when GROUP BY ordinal position is used")
        } else {
          a.copy(aggregateExpressions = buildExpandedProjectList(a.aggregateExpressions, a.child))
      // If the script transformation input contains Stars, expand it.
      case t: ScriptTransformation if containsStar(t.input) =>
          input = t.input.flatMap {
            case s: Star => s.expand(t.child, resolver)
            case o => o :: Nil
      case g: Generate if containsStar(g.generator.children) =>
        failAnalysis("Invalid usage of '*' in explode/json_tuple/UDTF")
      // To resolve duplicate expression IDs for Join and Intersect
      case j @ Join(left, right, _, _) if !j.duplicateResolved =>
        j.copy(right = dedupRight(left, right))
      case i @ Intersect(left, right) if !i.duplicateResolved =>
        i.copy(right = dedupRight(left, right))
      case i @ Except(left, right) if !i.duplicateResolved =>
        i.copy(right = dedupRight(left, right))
      // When resolve `SortOrder`s in Sort based on child, don't report errors as
      // we still have chance to resolve it based on its descendants
      case s @ Sort(ordering, global, child) if child.resolved && !s.resolved =>
        val newOrdering =
 => resolveExpression(order, child).asInstanceOf[SortOrder])
        Sort(newOrdering, global, child)
      // A special case for Generate, because the output of Generate should not be resolved by
      // ResolveReferences. Attributes in the output will be resolved by ResolveGenerate.
      case g @ Generate(generator, _, _, _, _, _) if generator.resolved => g
      case g @ Generate(generator, join, outer, qualifier, output, child) =>
        val newG = resolveExpression(generator, child, throws = true)
        if (newG.fastEquals(generator)) {
        } else {
          Generate(newG.asInstanceOf[Generator], join, outer, qualifier, output, child)
      // Skips plan which contains deserializer expressions, as they should be resolved by another
      // rule: ResolveDeserializer.
      case plan if containsDeserializer(plan.expressions) => plan
      case q: LogicalPlan =>
        logTrace(s"Attempting to resolve ${q.simpleString}")
        q transformExpressionsUp  {
          case u @ UnresolvedAttribute(nameParts) =>
            // Leave unchanged if resolution fails.  Hopefully will be resolved next round.
            val result =
              withPosition(u) { q.resolveChildren(nameParts, resolver).getOrElse(u) }//Mark A
            logDebug(s"Resolving $u to $result")
          case UnresolvedExtractValue(child, fieldExpr) if child.resolved =>
            ExtractValue(child, fieldExpr, resolver)

As SQL “SELECT x.str, COUNT(*) FROM df x JOIN df y ON x.str = y.str GROUP BY x.str” for example.
At “Mark A”, the “nameParts” may be “[0:’x’, 1:’str’]”.
After it invoke “resolveChildren”, the result will be AttributeReference:str#227 .

resolveChildren method

The method get the output from children, then reference the “nameParts” to the children “output”.
At here, the first “x.str” will make a AttributeReference on output of “FROM df x JOIN df y ON x.str = y.str GROUP BY x.str”.

   * Optionally resolves the given strings to a [[NamedExpression]] using the input from all child
   * nodes of this LogicalPlan. The attribute is expressed as
   * as string in the following form: `[scope].AttributeName.[nested].[fields]...`.
  def resolveChildren(
      nameParts: Seq[String],
      resolver: Resolver): Option[NamedExpression] =
    resolve(nameParts, children.flatMap(_.output), resolver)
  /** Performs attribute resolution given a name and a sequence of possible attributes. */
  protected def resolve(
      nameParts: Seq[String],
      input: Seq[Attribute],
      resolver: Resolver): Option[NamedExpression] = {
    // A sequence of possible candidate matches.
    // Each candidate is a tuple. The first element is a resolved attribute, followed by a list
    // of parts that are to be resolved.
    // For example, consider an example where "a" is the table name, "b" is the column name,
    // and "c" is the struct field name, i.e. "a.b.c". In this case, Attribute will be "a.b",
    // and the second element will be List("c").
    var candidates: Seq[(Attribute, List[String])] = {
      // If the name has 2 or more parts, try to resolve it as `table.column` first.
      if (nameParts.length > 1) {
        input.flatMap { option =>
          resolveAsTableColumn(nameParts, resolver, option)
      } else {
    // If none of attributes match `table.column` pattern, we try to resolve it as a column.
    if (candidates.isEmpty) {
      candidates = input.flatMap { candidate =>
        resolveAsColumn(nameParts, resolver, candidate)
    def name = UnresolvedAttribute(nameParts).name
    candidates.distinct match {
      // One match, no nested fields, use it.
      case Seq((a, Nil)) => Some(a)
      // One match, but we also need to extract the requested nested field.
      case Seq((a, nestedFields)) =>
        // The foldLeft adds ExtractValues for every remaining parts of the identifier,
        // and aliased it with the last part of the name.
        // For example, consider "a.b.c", where "a" is resolved to an existing attribute.
        // Then this will add ExtractValue("c", ExtractValue("b", a)), and alias the final
        // expression as "c".
        val fieldExprs = nestedFields.foldLeft(a: Expression)((expr, fieldName) =>
          ExtractValue(expr, Literal(fieldName), resolver))
        Some(Alias(fieldExprs, nestedFields.last)())
      // No matches.
      case Seq() =>
        logTrace(s"Could not find $name in ${input.mkString(", ")}")
      // More than one match.
      case ambiguousReferences =>
        val referenceNames =", ")
        throw new AnalysisException(
          s"Reference '$name' is ambiguous, could be: $referenceNames.")

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