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本文链接地址: TensorFlow计算图的优化
// Conv2D Conv2D // / \ / \ // Transpose weights* -> Transpose Mul // | | / \ // Mul | weights scale // / \ | // input scale** input // // *) weights must be a const // **) scale must be a const scalar |
比如说常量折叠里面的1 * y => y,0 + y => y,0 – y => Neg(y),1 / y => Reciprocal(y)等,这些替代可以减少节点的创建,从而缩减了资源使用。
程序中,两个Input tensor A和B,一个常量tensor 2,两个计算Operation Plus2和PlusB。
//============================================================================ // Name : TensorflowTest.cpp // Author : // Version : // Copyright : Your copyright notice // Description : Hello World in C++, Ansi-style //============================================================================ #include <iostream> #include <tensorflow/c/c_api.h> #include <tensorflow/c/c_test_util.h> #include <algorithm> #include <cstddef> #include <iterator> #include <memory> #include <vector> #include <string.h> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "!!!Hello World!!!" << endl; // prints !!!Hello World!!! cout << "Hello from TensorFlow C library version" << TF_Version() << endl; TF_Status* s = TF_NewStatus(); TF_Graph* graph = TF_NewGraph(); // Construct the graph: A + 2 + B TF_Operation* a = Placeholder(graph, s, "A"); cout << TF_Message(s); TF_Operation* b = Placeholder(graph, s, "B"); cout << TF_Message(s); TF_Operation* two = ScalarConst(2, graph, s); cout << TF_Message(s); TF_Operation* plus2 = Add(a, two, graph, s, "plus2"); cout << TF_Message(s); TF_Operation* plusB = Add(plus2, b, graph, s, "plusB"); cout << TF_Message(s); // Setup a session and a partial run handle. The partial run will allow // computation of A + 2 + B in two phases (calls to TF_SessionPRun): // 1. Feed A and get (A+2) // 2. Feed B and get (A+2)+B TF_SessionOptions* opts = TF_NewSessionOptions(); TF_Session* sess = TF_NewSession(graph, opts, s); TF_DeleteSessionOptions(opts); TF_Output feeds[] = { TF_Output { a, 0 }, TF_Output { b, 0 } }; TF_Output fetches[] = { TF_Output { plus2, 0 }, TF_Output { plusB, 0 } }; const char* handle = nullptr; TF_SessionPRunSetup(sess, feeds, TF_ARRAYSIZE(feeds), fetches, TF_ARRAYSIZE(fetches), NULL, 0, &handle, s); cout << TF_Message(s); // Feed A and fetch A + 2. TF_Output feeds1[] = { TF_Output { a, 0 } }; TF_Output fetches1[] = { TF_Output { plus2, 0 } }; TF_Tensor* feedValues1[] = { Int32Tensor(1) }; TF_Tensor* fetchValues1[1]; TF_SessionPRun(sess, handle, feeds1, feedValues1, 1, fetches1, fetchValues1, 1, NULL, 0, s); cout << TF_Message(s); cout << *(static_cast<int*>(TF_TensorData(fetchValues1[0]))) << endl; // Clean up. TF_DeletePRunHandle(handle); TF_DeleteSession(sess, s); cout << TF_Message(s); TF_DeleteGraph(graph); TF_DeleteStatus(s); return 0; } |
//code in graph_execution_state.cc Status GraphExecutionState::BuildGraph(const BuildGraphOptions& options, std::unique_ptr<ClientGraph>* out) { VLOG(1) << "BuildGraph"; if (!graph_) { // It is only valid to call this method directly when the original graph // was created with the option `place_pruned_graph == false`. return errors::Internal( "Attempted to prune a graph that has not been fully initialized."); } // Grappler optimization might change the structure of a graph itself, and // also it can add/prune functions to/from the library. std::unique_ptr<Graph> optimized_graph; std::unique_ptr<FunctionLibraryDefinition> optimized_flib; //调用OptimizeGraph优化图 Status s = OptimizeGraph(options, &optimized_graph, &optimized_flib); if (!s.ok()) { VLOG(2) << "Grappler optimization failed. Error: " << s.error_message(); // Simply copy the original graph and the function library if we couldn't // optimize it. optimized_graph.reset(new Graph(flib_def_.get())); CopyGraph(*graph_, optimized_graph.get()); optimized_flib.reset(new FunctionLibraryDefinition(*flib_def_)); } ...... } |
//code in graph_execution_state.cc Status GraphExecutionState::OptimizeGraph( const BuildGraphOptions& options, std::unique_ptr<Graph>* optimized_graph, std::unique_ptr<FunctionLibraryDefinition>* optimized_flib) { #ifndef IS_MOBILE_PLATFORM if (session_options_->config.graph_options().place_pruned_graph()) { return errors::InvalidArgument("Can't optimize a pruned graph"); } if (grappler::MetaOptimizerEnabled(session_options_->config)) { grappler::GrapplerItem item; item.id = "tf_graph"; graph_->ToGraphDef(&item.graph); ...... Device* cpu_device = nullptr; for (const auto& device : device_set_->devices()) { if (device->parsed_name().id == 0 && StringPiece(device->parsed_name().type) == "CPU" && device->GetAllocator(AllocatorAttributes()) != nullptr) { cpu_device = device; } } grappler::VirtualCluster cluster(device_set_); GraphDef new_graph; TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(grappler::RunMetaOptimizer( item, session_options_->config, cpu_device, &cluster, &new_graph)); ...... } |
//code in meta_optimizer.cc Status RunMetaOptimizer(const GrapplerItem& item, const ConfigProto& cfg, DeviceBase* cpu_device, Cluster* cluster, GraphDef* optimized_graph) { MetaOptimizer optimizer(cpu_device, cfg); optimizer.set_deadline_usec( DeadlineMicroSeconds(cfg.graph_options().rewrite_options())); Status status = optimizer.Optimize(cluster, item, optimized_graph); if (!status.ok()) { *optimized_graph = item.graph; } return status; } Status MetaOptimizer::Optimize(Cluster* cluster, const GrapplerItem& item, GraphDef* optimized_graph) { VLOG(1) << "Starting optimization for grappler item: " << item.id; ...... // 1. Optimize main graph TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(OptimizeGraph(cluster, trimmed_item, optimized_graph)); VLOG(1) << "Optimized main graph."; GRAPPLER_RETURN_IF_DEADLINE_EXCEEDED(); ...... // 2. Optimize functions reachable from the optimized graph. FunctionLibraryDefinition flib = minimized_flib(*optimized_graph); // Find functions for which we might need to compute a gradient at runtime. absl::flat_hash_set<string> differentiable_functions; for (const NodeDef& node : optimized_graph->node()) { if (IsSymbolicGradient(node)) { const auto* f_attr = gtl::FindOrNull(node.attr(), "f"); if (f_attr) differentiable_functions.insert(f_attr->func().name()); } } ...... } Status MetaOptimizer::OptimizeGraph(Cluster* cluster, const GrapplerItem& item, GraphDef* optimized_graph) { ...... std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GraphOptimizer>> optimizers; if (cfg_.optimizers().empty()) { TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(InitializeOptimizers(&optimizers)); } else { TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(InitializeOptimizersByName(&optimizers)); } ...... for (int iteration = 0; iteration < NumIterations(cfg_); ++iteration) { ...... for (const auto& optimizer : optimizers) { ...... RUN_OPTIMIZER_OR_RETURN_IF_ERROR(optimizer.get()); } ...... } Status MetaOptimizer::RunOptimizer( GraphOptimizer* optimizer, Cluster* cluster, GrapplerItem* optimized_item, GraphDef* optimized_graph, GraphOptimizationResult* optimization_result) { ...... Status status = optimizer->Optimize(cluster, *optimized_item, optimized_graph); uint64 end_us = Env::Default()->NowMicros(); ...... } |
tensorflow::grappler::GraphOptimizer -> tensorflow::grappler::ArithmeticOptimizer tensorflow::grappler::AutoParallel tensorflow::grappler::ConstantFolding tensorflow::grappler::CustomGraphOptimizer tensorflow::grappler::DebugStripper tensorflow::grappler::DependencyOptimizer tensorflow::grappler::FunctionOptimizer tensorflow::grappler::LayoutOptimizer tensorflow::grappler::LoopOptimizer tensorflow::grappler::MemoryOptimizer tensorflow::grappler::MetaOptimizer tensorflow::grappler::ModelPruner tensorflow::grappler::PinToHostOptimizer tensorflow::grappler::Remapper tensorflow::grappler::ScopedAllocatorOptimizer tensorflow::grappler::ShapeOptimizer |
n2为常量2 Const Operation;
n3为tensor A,_Recv Operation;
n4为AddN Operation,负责把n3和n2加起来;
n7为_Send Operation, 把结果输出。
2019-07-06 03:42:13.359152: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/direct_session.cc:1592] Created () -> () { n5 = _Recv[client_terminated=true, recv_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0", send_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0", send_device_incarnation=2398593294780023302, tensor_name="B:0", tensor_type=int32, device=CPU:0]() n2 = Const[dtype=int32, value=Tensor<type: int32 shape: [] values: 2>, device=CPU:0]() n3 = _Recv[client_terminated=true, recv_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0", send_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0", send_device_incarnation=2398593294780023302, tensor_name="A:0", tensor_type=int32, device=CPU:0]() n4 = AddN[N=2, T=int32, device=CPU:0](n3, n2) n6 = AddN[N=2, T=int32, device=CPU:0](n4, n5) n8 = _Send[T=int32, client_terminated=true, recv_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0", send_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0", send_device_incarnation=2398593294780023302, tensor_name="plusB:0", device=CPU:0](n6) n7 = _Send[T=int32, client_terminated=true, recv_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0", send_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0", send_device_incarnation=2398593294780023302, tensor_name="plus2:0", device=CPU:0](n4) } for /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 |
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