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本文链接地址: TensorFlow计算图的创建




Status DirectSession::CreateGraphs(
    const BuildGraphOptions& subgraph_options,
    std::unordered_map<string, std::unique_ptr<Graph>>* outputs,
    std::unique_ptr<FunctionLibraryDefinition>* flib_def,
    RunStateArgs* run_state_args, DataTypeVector* input_types,
    DataTypeVector* output_types, int64* collective_graph_key) {
  mutex_lock l(graph_state_lock_);
  std::unique_ptr<ClientGraph> client_graph;
  std::unique_ptr<GraphExecutionState> temp_exec_state_holder;
  GraphExecutionState* execution_state = nullptr;
  if (options_.config.graph_options().place_pruned_graph()) {
    // Because we are placing pruned graphs, we need to create a
    // new GraphExecutionState for every new unseen graph,
    // and then place it.
    GraphExecutionStateOptions prune_options;
    prune_options.device_set = &device_set_;
    prune_options.session_options = &options_;
    prune_options.stateful_placements = stateful_placements_;
    prune_options.session_handle = session_handle_;
        *execution_state_, prune_options, subgraph_options,
        &temp_exec_state_holder, &client_graph));
    execution_state = temp_exec_state_holder.get();
  } else {
    execution_state = execution_state_.get();
        execution_state->BuildGraph(subgraph_options, &client_graph));
  *collective_graph_key = client_graph->collective_graph_key;
  if (subgraph_options.callable_options.feed_size() !=
      client_graph->feed_types.size()) {
    return errors::Internal(
        "Graph pruning failed: requested number of feed endpoints = ",
        " versus number of pruned feed endpoints = ",
  if (subgraph_options.callable_options.fetch_size() !=
      client_graph->fetch_types.size()) {
    return errors::Internal(
        "Graph pruning failed: requested number of fetch endpoints = ",
        " versus number of pruned fetch endpoints = ",
  auto current_stateful_placements = execution_state->GetStatefulPlacements();
  // Update our current state based on the execution_state's
  // placements.  If there are any mismatches for a node,
  // we should fail, as this should never happen.
  for (auto placement_pair : current_stateful_placements) {
    const string& node_name = placement_pair.first;
    const string& placement = placement_pair.second;
    auto iter = stateful_placements_.find(node_name);
    if (iter == stateful_placements_.end()) {
      stateful_placements_.insert(std::make_pair(node_name, placement));
    } else if (iter->second != placement) {
      return errors::Internal(
          "Stateful placement mismatch. "
          "Current assignment of ",
          node_name, " to ", iter->second, " does not match ", placement);
  stateful_placements_ = execution_state->GetStatefulPlacements();
  // Remember the graph in run state if this is a partial run.
  if (run_state_args->is_partial_run) {
    run_state_args->graph.reset(new Graph(flib_def_.get()));
    CopyGraph(*execution_state->full_graph(), run_state_args->graph.get());
  // Partition the graph across devices.
  PartitionOptions popts;
  popts.node_to_loc = [](const Node* node) {
    return node->assigned_device_name();
  popts.new_name = [this](const string& prefix) {
    return strings::StrCat(prefix, "/_", edge_name_counter_.fetch_add(1));
  popts.get_incarnation = [](const string& name) {
    // The direct session does not have changing incarnation numbers.
    // Just return '1'.
    return 1;
  popts.flib_def = &client_graph->graph.flib_def();
  popts.control_flow_added = false;
  std::unordered_map<string, GraphDef> partitions;
  TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(Partition(popts, &client_graph->graph, &partitions));
  std::vector<string> device_names;
  for (auto device : devices_) {
    // Extract the LocalName from the device.
  // Check for valid partitions.
  for (const auto& partition : partitions) {
    const string local_partition_name =
    if (std::count(device_names.begin(), device_names.end(),
                   local_partition_name) == 0) {
      return errors::InvalidArgument(
          "Creating a partition for ", local_partition_name,
          " which doesn't exist in the list of available devices. Available "
          "devices: ",
          absl::StrJoin(device_names, ","));
  for (auto& partition : partitions) {
    std::unique_ptr<Graph> device_graph(
        new Graph(client_graph->flib_def.get()));
    GraphConstructorOptions device_opts;
    // There are internal operations (e.g., send/recv) that we now allow.
    device_opts.allow_internal_ops = true;
    device_opts.expect_device_spec = true;
        device_opts, std::move(partition.second), device_graph.get()));
    outputs->emplace(partition.first, std::move(device_graph));
  GraphOptimizationPassOptions optimization_options;
  optimization_options.session_options = &options_;
  optimization_options.flib_def = client_graph->flib_def.get();
  optimization_options.partition_graphs = outputs;
      OptimizationPassRegistry::POST_PARTITIONING, optimization_options));
  Status s;
  for (auto& partition : *outputs) {
    const string& partition_name = partition.first;
    std::unique_ptr<Graph>* graph = &partition.second;
    VLOG(2) << "Created " << DebugString(graph->get()) << " for "
            << partition_name;
    // Give the device an opportunity to rewrite its subgraph.
    Device* d;
    s = device_mgr_->LookupDevice(partition_name, &d);
    if (!s.ok()) break;
    s = d->MaybeRewriteGraph(graph);
    if (!s.ok()) {
  *flib_def = std::move(client_graph->flib_def);
  std::swap(*input_types, client_graph->feed_types);
  std::swap(*output_types, client_graph->fetch_types);
  return s;


Status GraphExecutionState::BuildGraph(const BuildGraphOptions& options,
                                       std::unique_ptr<ClientGraph>* out) {
  VLOG(1) << "BuildGraph";
  const uint64 start_time_usecs = Env::Default()->NowMicros();
  if (!graph_) {
    // It is only valid to call this method directly when the original graph
    // was created with the option `place_pruned_graph == false`.
    return errors::Internal(
        "Attempted to prune a graph that has not been fully initialized.");
  // Grappler optimization might change the structure of a graph itself, and
  // also it can add/prune functions to/from the library.
  std::unique_ptr<Graph> optimized_graph;
  std::unique_ptr<FunctionLibraryDefinition> optimized_flib;
  Status s = OptimizeGraph(options, &optimized_graph, &optimized_flib);
  if (!s.ok()) {
    VLOG(2) << "Grappler optimization failed. Error: " << s.error_message();
    // Simply copy the original graph and the function library if we couldn't
    // optimize it.
    optimized_graph.reset(new Graph(flib_def_.get()));
    CopyGraph(*graph_, optimized_graph.get());
    optimized_flib.reset(new FunctionLibraryDefinition(*flib_def_));
  subgraph::RewriteGraphMetadata rewrite_metadata;
  if (session_options_ == nullptr ||
      !session_options_->config.graph_options().place_pruned_graph()) {
        PruneGraph(options, optimized_graph.get(), &rewrite_metadata));
  } else {
    // This GraphExecutionState represents a graph that was
    // pruned when this was constructed, so we copy the metadata from
    // a member variable.
    rewrite_metadata = *rewrite_metadata_;
  // TODO(andydavis): Clarify optimization pass requirements around CostModel.
  GraphOptimizationPassOptions optimization_options;
  optimization_options.session_options = session_options_;
  optimization_options.graph = &optimized_graph;
  optimization_options.flib_def = optimized_flib.get();
  optimization_options.device_set = device_set_;
      OptimizationPassRegistry::POST_REWRITE_FOR_EXEC, optimization_options));
  int64 collective_graph_key = options.collective_graph_key;
  if (collective_graph_key == BuildGraphOptions::kNoCollectiveGraphKey) {
    // BuildGraphOptions does not specify a collective_graph_key.  Check all
    // nodes in the Graph and FunctionLibraryDefinition for collective ops and
    // if found, initialize a collective_graph_key as a hash of the ordered set
    // of instance keys.
    std::set<int32> instance_key_set;
    for (Node* node : optimized_graph->nodes()) {
      if (node->IsCollective()) {
        int32 instance_key;
            GetNodeAttr(node->attrs(), "instance_key", &instance_key));
      } else {
        const FunctionDef* fdef = optimized_flib->Find(node->def().op());
        if (fdef != nullptr) {
          for (const NodeDef& ndef : fdef->node_def()) {
            if (ndef.op() == "CollectiveReduce" ||
                ndef.op() == "CollectiveBcastSend" ||
                ndef.op() == "CollectiveBcastRecv" ||
                ndef.op() == "CollectiveGather") {
              int32 instance_key;
                  GetNodeAttr(ndef, "instance_key", &instance_key));
    if (!instance_key_set.empty()) {
      uint64 hash = 0x8774aa605c729c72ULL;
      for (int32 instance_key : instance_key_set) {
        hash = Hash64Combine(instance_key, hash);
      collective_graph_key = hash;
  // Make collective execution order deterministic if needed.
  if (options.collective_order != GraphCollectiveOrder::kNone) {
        OrderCollectives(optimized_graph.get(), options.collective_order));
  // Copy the extracted graph in order to make its node ids dense,
  // since the local CostModel used to record its stats is sized by
  // the largest node id.
  std::unique_ptr<ClientGraph> dense_copy(
      new ClientGraph(std::move(optimized_flib), rewrite_metadata.feed_types,
                      rewrite_metadata.fetch_types, collective_graph_key));
  CopyGraph(*optimized_graph, &dense_copy->graph);
  // TODO(vrv): We should check invariants of the graph here.
  metrics::UpdateGraphBuildTime(Env::Default()->NowMicros() - start_time_usecs);
  *out = std::move(dense_copy);
  return Status::OK();


  } else {
    execution_state = execution_state_.get();
        execution_state->BuildGraph(subgraph_options, &client_graph));


Status Partition(const PartitionOptions& opts, Graph* g,
                 std::unordered_map<string, GraphDef>* partitions) {
  Status status;
  GraphInfo g_info;
  if (!opts.control_flow_added) {
    // Add the "code" for distributed execution of control flow. Code is
    // added only for the frames that are placed on multiple devices. The
    // new graph is an equivalent transformation of the original graph and
    // has the property that it can be subsequently partitioned arbitrarily
    // (down to the level of individual device) for distributed execution.
    status = AddControlFlow(opts, g, &g_info);
    if (!status.ok()) return status;
  // At this point, all the graph mutations have been done. Build memory
  // and device type info for every node and edge in the graph.
  status = BuildMemoryDeviceInfo(*g, &g_info);
  if (!status.ok()) return status;
  string dstp;
  std::vector<const Edge*> inputs;
  DupRecvTable dup_recv(3);
  // For a node dst, 'ref_recvs' remembers the recvs introduced by a ref
  // edge to dst. 'ref_control_inputs' remembers the inputs by a non-ref
  // edge to dst. We will add a control edge for every pair in
  // (ref_recvs x ref_control_inputs).
  std::vector<NodeDef*> ref_recvs;
  std::vector<string> ref_control_inputs;
  int32 num_data = 0;
  int32 num_control = 0;
  for (const Node* dst : g->op_nodes()) {
    dstp = opts.node_to_loc(dst);
    GraphDef* dst_graph = &(*partitions)[dstp];
    NodeDef* dst_def = dst_graph->add_node();
    *dst_def = dst->def();
    MergeDebugInfo(NodeDebugInfo(dst->def()), dst_def);
    dst_def->clear_input();  // Inputs are filled below
    if (opts.need_to_record_start_times) {
      int64 start_time;
      status = GetNodeAttr(*dst_def, "_start_time", &start_time);
      if (errors::IsNotFound(status)) {
        start_time = opts.start_times[dst->id()].value();
        AddNodeAttr("_start_time", start_time, dst_def);
      } else if (!status.ok()) {
        return status;
    // Arrange the incoming edges to dst so that input[i] holds the
    // input flowing into slot numbered i. Trailing entries in input[]
    // hold control edges.
    inputs.resize(dst->num_inputs(), nullptr);
    const Edge* control_flow_edge = nullptr;
    int32 num_control_flow_edges = 0;
    int32 num_input_edges = 0;
    for (const Edge* edge : dst->in_edges()) {
      if (edge->IsControlEdge()) {
        if (IsMerge(edge->src()) && IsControlLoop(edge->src())) {
          // This is one of the control edges added for control flow. There
          // can be multiple such edges as the dest node may have multiple
          // remote inputs. We keep track of the number of such edges.
          control_flow_edge = edge;
        } else {
      } else {
        DCHECK(inputs[edge->dst_input()] == nullptr);
        inputs[edge->dst_input()] = edge;
    if (num_input_edges != dst->num_inputs()) {
      return errors::InvalidArgument("Incomplete graph, missing ",
                                     (dst->num_inputs() - num_input_edges),
                                     " inputs for ", dst->name());
    // Process in order so that all data edges are added as inputs to
    // dst in Edge::dst_input() order.
    for (const Edge* edge : inputs) {
      const Node* src = edge->src();
      if (!src->IsOp()) continue;  // Skip Sink/Source nodes.
      GraphDef* src_graph = &(*partitions)[opts.node_to_loc(src)];
      if (src_graph == dst_graph && !NeedSameDeviceSendRecv(edge, g_info)) {
        // Same partition and compatible memory types:
        AddInput(dst_def, src->name(), edge->src_output());
        if (edge->IsControlEdge() ||
            !IsRefType(src->output_type(edge->src_output()))) {
      int64 send_start_time = 0;
      int64 recv_start_time = 0;
      if (opts.scheduling_for_recvs) {
        status = GetNodeAttr(src->attrs(), "_start_time", &send_start_time);
        if (errors::IsNotFound(status) && opts.need_to_record_start_times) {
          send_start_time = opts.start_times[src->id()].value();
        } else if (!status.ok()) {
          return status;
        status = GetNodeAttr(dst->attrs(), "_start_time", &recv_start_time);
        if (errors::IsNotFound(status) && opts.need_to_record_start_times) {
          recv_start_time = opts.start_times[dst->id()].value();
        } else if (!status.ok()) {
          return status;
      // Check whether there is already a send/recv pair transferring
      // the same tensor/control from the src to dst partition.
      const bool on_host = IsDstInputOnHost(edge, g_info);
      DupRecvKey key{src->id(), edge->src_output(), dst_graph, on_host};
      auto iter = dup_recv.find(key);
      if (iter != dup_recv.end()) {
        // We found one. Reuse the data/control transferred already.
        const string& recv_node_name = iter->second.recv->name();
        if (edge->IsControlEdge()) {
          AddInput(dst_def, recv_node_name, Graph::kControlSlot);
        } else {
          AddInput(dst_def, recv_node_name, 0);
        // We want the start_time for the recv to be the smallest of the start
        // times of it's consumers. So we update this whenever we use a recv,
        // and write it out to the attribute at the end of the subroutine
        if (iter->second.start_time > recv_start_time) {
          iter->second.start_time = recv_start_time;
      NodeDefBuilder::NodeOut send_from;
      if (edge->IsControlEdge()) {
        // Insert a dummy const node that will generate a tiny
        // data element to be sent from send to recv.
        VLOG(1) << "Send/Recv control: " << src->assigned_device_name() << "["
                << src->name() << "] -> " << dst->assigned_device_name() << "["
                << dst->name() << "]";
        NodeDef* dummy = AddDummyConst(opts, src_graph, edge, &status);
        if (!status.ok()) return status;
        // Set the start time for this dummy node.
        if (opts.scheduling_for_recvs) {
          AddNodeAttr("_start_time", send_start_time, dummy);
        AddInput(dummy, src->name(), Graph::kControlSlot);
        send_from.Reset(dummy->name(), 0, DT_FLOAT);
      } else {
        send_from.Reset(src->name(), edge->src_output(), EdgeType(edge));
      // Need to split edge by placing matching send/recv nodes on
      // the src/dst sides of the edge.
      NodeDef* send = AddSend(opts, g_info, src_graph, edge, send_from,
                              send_start_time, &status);
      if (!status.ok()) return status;
      NodeDef* real_recv = nullptr;
      NodeDef* recv =
          AddRecv(opts, g_info, dst_graph, edge, &real_recv, &status);
      if (!status.ok()) return status;
      // Fix up the control flow edge.
      // NOTE(yuanbyu): 'real_recv' must be the real recv node.
      if (src_graph == dst_graph) {
        // For same device send/recv, add a control edge from send to recv.
        // This prevents the asynchronous recv kernel from being scheduled
        // before the data is available.
        AddInput(real_recv, send->name(), Graph::kControlSlot);
      } else if (control_flow_edge != nullptr) {
        // Redirect control edge to the real recv since this is not the same
        // device send/recv.
        AddInput(real_recv, control_flow_edge->src()->name(),
      if (!edge->IsControlEdge() &&
          IsRefType(src->output_type(edge->src_output()))) {
        AddNodeAttr("_start_time", recv_start_time, recv);
        if (real_recv != recv) {
          AddNodeAttr("_start_time", recv_start_time, real_recv);
        // If src is of ref type and the edge is not a control edge, dst has
        // read semantics and therefore we must control the recv.
      } else {
        // Memorize the send/recv pair, only if this is not a "ref" edge.
        // NOTE(yuanbyu): Collapsing ref edges requires extreme care so
        // for now we don't do it.
        dup_recv[key] = {recv, real_recv, recv_start_time};
      if (edge->IsControlEdge()) {
        AddInput(dst_def, recv->name(), Graph::kControlSlot);
      } else {
        AddInput(dst_def, recv->name(), 0);
    // Add control edges from 'ref_control_inputs' to 'ref_recvs'.
    // NOTE(yuanbyu): Adding these control edges should not introduce
    // deadlocks. 'dst' has implicit "read" nodes that, when we split
    // across devices, are made explicit; Retargeting the dependencies
    // to 'dst' to those nodes would not introduce cycles if there isn't
    // one before the transformation.
    // NOTE(yuanbyu): This may impact performance because it defers the
    // execution of recvs until all the other inputs become available.
    AddReadControl(ref_recvs, ref_control_inputs);
    // Add back the control edges for control flow that are not used.
    if (control_flow_edge != nullptr) {
      for (int i = 0; i < num_control_flow_edges; ++i) {
        AddInput(dst_def, control_flow_edge->src()->name(),
  const FunctionLibraryDefinition* flib_def = opts.flib_def;
  if (flib_def == nullptr) {
    flib_def = &g->flib_def();
  // Set versions, function library and send/recv incarnation.
  for (auto& it : *partitions) {
    GraphDef* gdef = &it.second;
    *gdef->mutable_versions() = g->versions();
    // Prune unreachable functions from `flib_def` before adding them to `gdef`.
    *gdef->mutable_library() = flib_def->ReachableDefinitions(*gdef).ToProto();
    // Traverse the graph to fill every send/recv op's incarnation
    // information.
    SetIncarnation(opts, gdef);
  // Set the start times for recvs at the very end.
  if (opts.scheduling_for_recvs) {
    for (auto& it : dup_recv) {
      AddNodeAttr("_start_time", it.second.start_time, it.second.recv);
      if (it.second.real_recv != it.second.recv) {
        AddNodeAttr("_start_time", it.second.start_time, it.second.real_recv);
  VLOG(1) << "Added send/recv: controls=" << num_control
          << ", data=" << num_data;
  if (VLOG_IS_ON(2)) {
    for (auto& it : *partitions) {
      GraphDef* gdef = &it.second;
      DumpGraphDefToFile(strings::StrCat("partition_", it.first, "_",
  return Status::OK();

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