使用javacpp调用native library

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本文链接地址: 使用javacpp调用native library

这是参照http://code.google.com/p/javacpp/#Accessing_Native_APIs 的例子。我把LegacyLibrary.h分成了 LegacyLibrary.h和LegacyLibrary.cpp。

JavaCPPTest click to download project files.


1 编译的时候需要加入Native Lib的搜索路径:


2 LegacyLibrary.java需要加上链接的库名:

@Platform(include = “LegacyLibrary.h”,link=”JavaCPPFiles”)

the lib file is libJavaCPPFiles, but here should be JavaCPPFiles.

3 如果需要用gdb debug:

The debug info should be added for g++ compile: -O0 -g3 (Do not add -s)

-O0: Optimization Level is none
-g3 : Debug Level is Maximum

-s:Omit all symbol information本作品采用知识共享署名 4.0 国际许可协议进行许可。
