TensorFlow Executor的创建

原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自慢慢的回味

本文链接地址: TensorFlow Executor的创建


Status DirectSession::GetOrCreateExecutors(
    gtl::ArraySlice<string> inputs, gtl::ArraySlice<string> outputs,
    gtl::ArraySlice<string> target_nodes, ExecutorsAndKeys** executors_and_keys,
    RunStateArgs* run_state_args) {
  int64 handle_name_counter_value = -1;
  if (LogMemory::IsEnabled() || run_state_args->is_partial_run) {
    handle_name_counter_value = handle_name_counter_.fetch_add(1);
  string debug_tensor_watches_summary;
  if (!run_state_args->debug_options.debug_tensor_watch_opts().empty()) {
    debug_tensor_watches_summary = SummarizeDebugTensorWatches(
  // Fast lookup path, no sorting.
  const string key = strings::StrCat(
      absl::StrJoin(inputs, ","), "->", absl::StrJoin(outputs, ","), "/",
      absl::StrJoin(target_nodes, ","), "/", run_state_args->is_partial_run,
      "/", debug_tensor_watches_summary);
  // Set the handle, if it's needed to log memory or for partial run.
  if (handle_name_counter_value >= 0) {
    run_state_args->handle =
        strings::StrCat(key, ";", handle_name_counter_value);
  // See if we already have the executors for this run.
    mutex_lock l(executor_lock_);  // could use reader lock
    auto it = executors_.find(key);
    if (it != executors_.end()) {
      *executors_and_keys = it->second.get();
      return Status::OK();
  // Slow lookup path, the unsorted key missed the cache.
  // Sort the inputs and outputs, and look up with the sorted key in case an
  // earlier call used a different order of inputs and outputs.
  // We could consider some other signature instead of sorting that
  // preserves the same property to avoid the sort in the future.
  std::vector<string> inputs_sorted(inputs.begin(), inputs.end());
  std::sort(inputs_sorted.begin(), inputs_sorted.end());
  std::vector<string> outputs_sorted(outputs.begin(), outputs.end());
  std::sort(outputs_sorted.begin(), outputs_sorted.end());
  std::vector<string> tn_sorted(target_nodes.begin(), target_nodes.end());
  std::sort(tn_sorted.begin(), tn_sorted.end());
  const string sorted_key = strings::StrCat(
      absl::StrJoin(inputs_sorted, ","), "->",
      absl::StrJoin(outputs_sorted, ","), "/", absl::StrJoin(tn_sorted, ","),
      "/", run_state_args->is_partial_run, "/", debug_tensor_watches_summary);
  // Set the handle, if its needed to log memory or for partial run.
  if (handle_name_counter_value >= 0) {
    run_state_args->handle =
        strings::StrCat(sorted_key, ";", handle_name_counter_value);
  // See if we already have the executors for this run.
    mutex_lock l(executor_lock_);
    auto it = executors_.find(sorted_key);
    if (it != executors_.end()) {
      *executors_and_keys = it->second.get();
      // Insert this under the original key.
      executors_.emplace(key, it->second);
      return Status::OK();
  // Nothing found, so create the executors and store in the cache.
  // The executor_lock_ is intentionally released while executors are
  // being created.
  CallableOptions callable_options;
  for (const string& input : inputs_sorted) {
  for (const string& output : outputs_sorted) {
  for (const string& target : tn_sorted) {
  *callable_options.mutable_run_options()->mutable_debug_options() =
  std::unique_ptr<ExecutorsAndKeys> ek;
  std::unique_ptr<FunctionInfo> func_info;
      CreateExecutors(callable_options, &ek, &func_info, run_state_args));
  // Reacquire the lock, try to insert into the map.
  mutex_lock l(executor_lock_);
  // Another thread may have created the entry before us, in which case we will
  // reuse the already created one.
  auto insert_result = executors_.emplace(
      sorted_key, std::shared_ptr<ExecutorsAndKeys>(std::move(ek)));
  if (insert_result.second) {
  // Insert the value under the original key, so the fast path lookup will work
  // if the user uses the same order of inputs, outputs, and targets again.
  executors_.emplace(key, insert_result.first->second);
  *executors_and_keys = insert_result.first->second.get();
  return Status::OK();

然后对创建的每个图进行优化(optimizer.Optimize(lib, options_.env, device, &partition_graph, /*shape_map=*/nullptr);),见另一篇文章TensorFlow计算图的优化分析。
方法TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(NewExecutor(executor_type, params, std::move(partition_graph), &item->executor));根据上面创建的参数params和分区图partition_graph创建Executor。
参数params中定义了设备(params.device),创建op kernel的lambda表达式(params.create_kernel),以及创建ops的代码段function_library,不同进程间通信机制的rendezvous_factory 等。
item->executor中item的类型为结构体struct PerPartitionExecutorsAndLib,item最终是结构类型struct ExecutorsAndKeys中的vector items的元素。
结构体定义std::unique_ptr ek(new ExecutorsAndKeys);的变量ek最后会赋值给out_executors_and_keys(*out_executors_and_keys = std::move(ek);)进行返回。

Status DirectSession::CreateExecutors(
    const CallableOptions& callable_options,
    std::unique_ptr<ExecutorsAndKeys>* out_executors_and_keys,
    std::unique_ptr<FunctionInfo>* out_func_info,
    RunStateArgs* run_state_args) {
  BuildGraphOptions options;
  options.callable_options = callable_options;
  options.use_function_convention = !run_state_args->is_partial_run;
  options.collective_graph_key =
  if (options_.config.experimental()
          .collective_deterministic_sequential_execution()) {
    options.collective_order = GraphCollectiveOrder::kEdges;
  } else if (options_.config.experimental().collective_nccl()) {
    options.collective_order = GraphCollectiveOrder::kAttrs;
  std::unique_ptr<FunctionInfo> func_info(new FunctionInfo);
  std::unique_ptr<ExecutorsAndKeys> ek(new ExecutorsAndKeys);
  ek->callable_options = callable_options;
  std::unordered_map<string, std::unique_ptr<Graph>> graphs;
      options, &graphs, &func_info->flib_def, run_state_args, &ek->input_types,
      &ek->output_types, &ek->collective_graph_key));
  if (run_state_args->is_partial_run) {
    ek->graph = std::move(run_state_args->graph);
    std::unordered_set<StringPiece, StringPieceHasher> names;
    for (const string& input : callable_options.feed()) {
      TensorId id(ParseTensorName(input));
    for (const string& output : callable_options.fetch()) {
      TensorId id(ParseTensorName(output));
    for (Node* n : ek->graph->nodes()) {
      if (names.count(n->name()) > 0) {
        ek->name_to_node.insert({n->name(), n});
  const auto& optimizer_opts =
  int graph_def_version = graphs.begin()->second->versions().producer();
  const auto* session_metadata =
          ? &options_.config.experimental().session_metadata()
          : nullptr;
  func_info->proc_flr.reset(new ProcessFunctionLibraryRuntime(
      device_mgr_.get(), options_.env, graph_def_version,
      func_info->flib_def.get(), optimizer_opts, thread_pools_[0].first,
      nullptr, nullptr, session_metadata));
  GraphOptimizer optimizer(optimizer_opts);
  for (auto iter = graphs.begin(); iter != graphs.end(); ++iter) {
    const string& partition_name = iter->first;
    std::unique_ptr<Graph>& partition_graph = iter->second;
    Device* device;
    TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(device_mgr_->LookupDevice(partition_name, &device));
    ek->items.resize(ek->items.size() + 1);
    auto* item = &(ek->items.back());
    auto lib = func_info->proc_flr->GetFLR(partition_name);
    if (lib == nullptr) {
      return errors::Internal("Could not find device: ", partition_name);
    item->flib = lib;
    LocalExecutorParams params;
    params.device = device;
    params.session_metadata = session_metadata;
    params.function_library = lib;
    auto opseg = device->op_segment();
    params.create_kernel = [this, lib, opseg](const NodeDef& ndef,
                                              OpKernel** kernel) {
      // NOTE(mrry): We must not share function kernels (implemented
      // using `CallOp`) between subgraphs, because `CallOp::handle_`
      // is tied to a particular subgraph. Even if the function itself
      // is stateful, the `CallOp` that invokes it is not.
      if (!OpSegment::ShouldOwnKernel(lib, ndef.op())) {
        return lib->CreateKernel(ndef, kernel);
      auto create_fn = [lib, &ndef](OpKernel** kernel) {
        return lib->CreateKernel(ndef, kernel);
      // Kernels created for subgraph nodes need to be cached.  On
      // cache miss, create_fn() is invoked to create a kernel based
      // on the function library here + global op registry.
      return opseg->FindOrCreate(session_handle_, ndef.name(), kernel,
    params.delete_kernel = [lib](OpKernel* kernel) {
      if (kernel && !OpSegment::ShouldOwnKernel(lib, kernel->type_string()))
        delete kernel;
    params.rendezvous_factory = [](const int64, const DeviceMgr* device_mgr,
                                   Rendezvous** r) {
      *r = new IntraProcessRendezvous(device_mgr);
      return Status::OK();
    optimizer.Optimize(lib, options_.env, device, &partition_graph,
    // TensorFlow Debugger (tfdbg) inserts debug nodes in the graph.
    const DebugOptions& debug_options =
    if (!debug_options.debug_tensor_watch_opts().empty()) {
          debug_options, partition_graph.get(), params.device));
    // NewLocalExecutor takes ownership of partition_graph.
    item->graph = partition_graph.get();
    item->executor = nullptr;
    item->device = device;
    auto executor_type = options_.config.experimental().executor_type();
        executor_type, params, std::move(partition_graph), &item->executor));
  // Cache the mapping from input/output names to graph elements to
  // avoid recomputing it every time.
  if (!run_state_args->is_partial_run) {
    // For regular `Run()`, we use the function calling convention, and so
    // maintain a mapping from input/output names to
    // argument/return-value ordinal index.
    for (int i = 0; i < callable_options.feed().size(); ++i) {
      const string& input = callable_options.feed(i);
      ek->input_name_to_index[input] = i;
    for (int i = 0; i < callable_options.fetch().size(); ++i) {
      const string& output = callable_options.fetch(i);
      ek->output_name_to_index[output] = i;
  } else {
    // For `PRun()`, we use the rendezvous calling convention, and so
    // maintain a mapping from input/output names to rendezvous keys.
    // We always use the first device as the device name portion of the
    // key, even if we're feeding another graph.
    for (int i = 0; i < callable_options.feed().size(); ++i) {
      const string& input = callable_options.feed(i);
      ek->input_name_to_rendezvous_key[input] = GetRendezvousKey(
          input, device_set_.client_device()->attributes(), FrameAndIter(0, 0));
    for (int i = 0; i < callable_options.fetch().size(); ++i) {
      const string& output = callable_options.fetch(i);
      ek->output_name_to_rendezvous_key[output] =
          GetRendezvousKey(output, device_set_.client_device()->attributes(),
                           FrameAndIter(0, 0));
  *out_executors_and_keys = std::move(ek);
  *out_func_info = std::move(func_info);
  return Status::OK();

上面的代码会调用executor_factory.cc中的NewExecutor, 接着依次调用executor.cc的NewLocalExecutor和ExecutorImpl->Initialize方法。其中,在Initialize方法中完成op kernel的创建赋值(Status s = params_.create_kernel(n->def(), &item->kernel);)。

Status NewExecutor(const string& executor_type,
                   const LocalExecutorParams& params,
                   std::unique_ptr<const Graph> graph,
                   std::unique_ptr<Executor>* out_executor) {
  ExecutorFactory* factory = nullptr;
  TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ExecutorFactory::GetFactory(executor_type, &factory));
  return factory->NewExecutor(params, std::move(graph), out_executor);
Status NewLocalExecutor(const LocalExecutorParams& params,
                        std::unique_ptr<const Graph> graph,
                        Executor** executor) {
  ExecutorImpl* impl = new ExecutorImpl(params, std::move(graph));
  const Status s = impl->Initialize();
  if (s.ok()) {
    *executor = impl;
  } else {
    delete impl;
  return s;
Status ExecutorImpl::Initialize() {
  // Build the information about frames in this subgraph.
  ControlFlowInfo cf_info;
  TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(BuildControlFlowInfo(graph_.get(), &cf_info));
  // Cache this value so we make this virtual function call once, rather
  // that O(# steps * # nodes per step) times.
  device_record_tensor_accesses_ =
  for (auto& it : cf_info.unique_frame_names) {
    EnsureFrameInfo(it)->nodes = new std::vector<const Node*>;
  // Preprocess every node in the graph to create an instance of op
  // kernel for each node.
  for (const Node* n : graph_->nodes()) {
    const int id = n->id();
    const string& frame_name = cf_info.frame_names[id];
    FrameInfo* frame_info = EnsureFrameInfo(frame_name);
    // See if this node is a root node, and if so, add to root_nodes_.
    if (n->in_edges().empty()) {
    NodeItem* item = gview_.node(id);
    item->node = n;
    item->input_start = frame_info->total_inputs;
    frame_info->total_inputs += n->num_inputs();
//<a href="https://liuxiaofei.com.cn/blog/tf-operation%e7%9a%84%e5%88%9b%e5%bb%ba/" rel="noopener" target="_blank">TF Operation的创建</a>讲了具体创建流程。
    Status s = params_.create_kernel(n->def(), &item->kernel);
    if (!s.ok()) {
      item->kernel = nullptr;
      s = AttachDef(s, *n);
      LOG(ERROR) << "Executor failed to create kernel. " << s;
      return s;
    item->kernel_is_async = (item->kernel->AsAsync() != nullptr);
    item->is_merge = IsMerge(n);
    item->is_enter = IsEnter(n);
    if (item->is_enter) {
      bool is_constant_enter;
          GetNodeAttr(n->attrs(), "is_constant", &is_constant_enter));
      item->is_constant_enter = is_constant_enter;
    } else {
      item->is_constant_enter = false;
    item->is_exit = IsExit(n);
    item->is_control_trigger = IsControlTrigger(n);
    item->is_sink = IsSink(n);
    item->is_enter_exit_or_next_iter =
        (IsEnter(n) || IsExit(n) || IsNextIteration(n));
    // Compute the maximum values we'll store for this node in the
    // pending counts data structure, and allocate a handle in
    // that frame's pending counts data structure that has enough
    // space to store these maximal count values.
    size_t max_pending, max_dead;
    GetMaxPendingCounts(n, &max_pending, &max_dead);
    item->pending_id =
        frame_info->pending_counts_layout.CreateHandle(max_pending, max_dead);
    // Initialize static information about the frames in the graph.
    if (IsEnter(n)) {
      string enter_name;
      TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(GetNodeAttr(n->attrs(), "frame_name", &enter_name));
  // Initialize PendingCounts only after item->pending_id is initialized for
  // all nodes.
  InitializePending(graph_.get(), cf_info);
  return gview_.SetAllocAttrs(graph_.get(), params_.device);

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